Red vs. Blue Wiki
Red vs. Blue Wiki
Red vs. Blue Wiki

Red vs Blue: The Final Season[]

Red vs. Blue: The Final Season is the 19th and final season of Red vs. Blue and the only season made after Rooster Teeth's shutdown. Unlike the Shisno Trilogy, Zero, and Restoration, this story is not in a simulation and is canon to the RvB story and is part of the Chorus Saga.


Taking place right after the end of the episode The End, the Season 13 finale, the Reds and Blues get ready for their last stand against Hargrove's forces. However, getting Malcom Hargrove will be easier said than done, especially when he calls in his four most powerful enforcers as well as holds Chorus hostage. Can the Reds and Blues save Chorus from complete destruction, especially after Hargrove takes matters into his own hands?


Season 20
Episode Synopsis Run-time
Prologue After running simulations that don't seem to fit, Epsilon grows frustrated and is down to one other option.
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3

Voice Cast[]

  • Burnie Burns - Epsilon
  • Jason Saldana - Lavernius Tucker
  • Gustavo Sorola - Dick Simmons
  • Dan Godwin - Franklin Donut
  • Matt Hullum - Sarge, Frank "Doc" DuFresne
  • Michael Malconian - Michael J. Caboose
  • Geoff Ramsey - Dexter Grif
  • Eddy Rivas - Lopez
  • Shannon McCormick - Agent Washington
  • Jen Brown - Agent Carolina
  • Lindsay Jones - Vanessa Kimball
  • Arryn Zech - Dr. Emily Grey
  • Barbara Dunkleman - Katie Jensen
  • Brandon Farmahimi - Antoine Bitters
  • Anthony Sardinha - John Smith
  • Kerry Shawcross - Charles Polamo
  • Jack Lee - Malcom Hargrove
  • Kara Eberle - Cryo (Leader of Viper)
  • Neath Oum - Hydro (Viper Elite Trio Member)
  • Damen Mills - Diesel (Viper Elite Trio Member)
  • Christian Young - Zero (Viper Elite Trio Member)
  • Fiona Nova - Agent One
  • Anna Hullum - Dylan Andrews
  • Christopher Wehkamp - Locus
  • Christopher Sabat - Siris


  • It is unknown how many episodes there will be, but the confirmed run time for all the episodes combined will be 4 hours, not including credits, making this season the longest season in terms of runtime.
  • Several characters from the simulation seasons will appear, including at least three members of Shatter Squad (One, Raymond, and Phase), the two remaining members of Viper (Diesel and Zero), and Dylan Andrews. In this season, rather than being a syndicate in search of just power, Viper is a syndicate employed by Hargrove to help keep Charon Industries control of Chorus or destroy the planet if the UNSC does not back away from Hargrove.
  • A prologue to this season is confirmed to show Epsilon figuring out a solution before dematerializing that allows Tucker the power up needed in the Meta armor, but also so none of the fragments possess him as well, which would involve destroying himself and the fragments to grant the boost for a short time.
  • It is confirmed that rather than Tucker being the Meta like in Restoration, Hargrove ends up in that role, using what is left of the AI fragments' codes and using the Meta's armor, the same one Tucker abandons after the power from it is used up due to Epsilon's (and the fragments) destruction.
  • The tone of this season will be dark, echoing Felix's words to Tucker in Season 11 and Washington in 13 that not everyone will make it out of this war alive.


  • This season will not use Halo Infinite's engine, instead opting for Halo 4's engine to keep consistency with the other seasons of the Chorus Saga.
  • As of this season, every voice cast that have voiced a member of Teams RWBY or JNPR have had voice involvement in Red vs. Blue.