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Turn On, Tune In, Zune Out is a special episode of Red vs. Blue that was created with the Halo 3 Beta engine.


Red Team[]

Blue Team[]



The cast go over the various functions of the Zune, though they lament how the local radio stations (in particular three ran by Sarge, Tucker and Doc) they can receive have poor content, and the pictures they can share are only of Sarge injuring Church over and over again.


Fade in to Church and Grif together.

Church: Hello, if your watching this video, then you must be holding your brand new Zune player. Or your on the subway, and your looking over the shoulder of a person with a brand new Zune player. In which case; BEAT IT PUNK! MIND YOUR OWN BUISNESS!

Grif: He can't hear you. He doesn't have headphones.

Church: Oh right.

Text that says: GET YOUR OWN ZUNE! appears.

Church: There. I bet he can hear that.

Grif: My friend here obviously haven't fully embraced the concept of the social.

Church: Yeah, not really used to all this sharing stuff yet. Have to be a lot of adjustments on my part.

Grif: Well then allow me to be the first to officially say welcome to the social. And for our international friends, private Donut has agreed to translate so that everyone will feel at home here at the social.

Donut: Thanks! To all you Germans zune owners, Willkommen zum sozial!

Text shows: Willkommen zum sozial.

Donut: For my French zuners, Bonjour a la sociale!

Text shows: Bonjour a la sociale.

Donut: If your from Ireland, g'day mate and how about a walk about in the social.

Text shows: Okay... that was Australian.

Church: How many of these intros does he have.

Grif: One for every language he found on the internet.

Donut: For ostriches and other large fowl;

Donut appearing in different locations

Donut: Caw! Caw! Caw! Caw! The social!

Text shows: Hunh?

Church: Okay Donut we get it!

Donut: Aw, I didn't even get to do the alien languages.

Church: Uh I think the interspecies section more than covered our bases.

Donut: Alright, but if someone comes to the social and doesn't feel welcome to the social, we'll know who to blame.

Church: Hey, if anyone doesn't feel welcome in the social, it's because you immediately tried to send them your karaoke rendition of Marylin Monroe's Happy Birthday Mr. President. The same way you do to everybody.

Grif: He's got a point dude. That's the reason i don't accept your sends anymore. It's also why I get a panic attack every time I try to vote.

Donut: Aw you guys are just jealous. If you don't like my singing why don't you listen to the built in radio tuner.

Grif: Because the only stations we get out here in the middle of the galaxy are the independent channels run by the other guys.

Tuning in to radio frequency 103.1 Cut to a random outpost with Sarge next to a radio

Sarge: Hello radio land your tuned in to ksrg; K-Sarge radio! Its all Sarge all the time! Coming up soon; we've got twenty minutes of uninterrupted yelling followed by the top ten marching chants! I don't know what I've been told; This social thing is kinda bold. Sound off one, two; sound off three, four. Now drop and give me station identification!

Tuning in to radio frequency 97.7 Cut to Doc near a radio tower

Doc: Hey there listeners. This is Doc your friendly neighborhood medic. Today we'll be discussing how to treat plasma burns using only axle grease, baking soda, and a lot of aspirin. And on the mental health portion of our show we'll be dealing with those pesky feelings of anataxy in our segment called; your not Master Chief and that's okay. Plus granola recipe's for the whole family! Now its time for a yoga break!

Doc starts doing squats. Tuning in to radio frequency 91.3 Cut to Tucker next to a radio tower

Tucker: Oh yeah thanks for tuning in to Tuckers love line. I'll be with you all night long. Tonight we'll be taking calls from all the ladies stationed in the canyon who wanna talk Tucker. Hello caller your on the air.

Church: Tucker, its Church. I told you not to use the phone lines for your stupid show! Your just gonna run up the bill and-

Tucker switches off the radio

Tucker: Oh no looks like we lost that one. Sorry fella try to call back later. Hello caller what would you like to-

Church: Seriously man we have a budget for these things and i know its not a big deal to you but I'm the one that gotta fill out all the paperwor-

Deja vu

Tucker: Wow, we've really seemed to be having problems with the phones tonight. Lets try one last time. Hello caller what's your name.

Caboose: Um, my name is Caboose.

Tucker: And what can I do to help you tonight Caboose.

Caboose: I would like to order a pizza.

Cut back to Donut

Donut: Okay so maybe there's not the best selection of radio stations out here but its still a cool feature.

Church: (Laughs) Yeah it is. I like the ability to share pictures with people around me.

Sarge appears

Sarge: I got a couple pictures to share with ya blue. Here's my gallery of screenshots from our last match.

Photo shows Sarge shooting Church on the base

Sarge: Here's me killing you on top of your base.

Shows video of Sarge throwing a grenade at Church's feet in the base

Sarge: Here's me killing you under your base. I like this one cause I used a grenade.

Grenade explodes Cut to Sarge flying on a Mongoose heading to Church

Sarge: Here me flying on a Mongoose 800 yards to kill ya. Ya never saw it coming.

Sarge crashes into Church

Sarge: Now that's a landing!

Church: Yeah that's great. Oh man are you sharing these photos on wireless?

Sarge: Of course I am. I want everyone to know just how bad you blues got whooped last round. Welcome to the social dirtbag.

Church: Yeah sounds more like the anti-social to me.

Shows random photos of Sarge killing Church

Sarge: I like to call this collection my still-life phase. Meaning your lying very still cause you got no more life!

