I updated the airdates for a bunch of episodes from season 1 to 4 a while ago, then decided to take a break before starting season 5. While I was doing this, I was privately making a youtube playlist with the episodes in release order (that was my motivation; I wanted to use the wiki for help then realised I could help the wiki). In light of Roosterteeth making Red vs Blue exclusive to their website, I've decided not to continue.
If anyone wants to pick up where I left off, I explained what I was doing on the Special Episodes talk page, and the talk pages for Season 1, Season 2 etc. Mostly I was using the wikipedia page history, and the archive on Then for conventions, google searches were pretty good for verifying when the event happened (there's normally a magazine article or something from around the time).
Also the first thing I do for each season is make a text document with everything in approximate order so I know what to look for. That's as far as I've gotten with season 5, but I'll post it here anyway. I have not verified any of these dates, or kept a record of the sources (at this stage, it will just be wikipedia and google searches). I normally use this as a loose guide for what time period to expect things, then slowly refine it as I go. If anything has a question mark, it means I'm really unsure about it. Here it is:
Out of Mind Part 1 (Jun 16, 2006)
Out of Mind Part 2 (Aug 1, 06)
Out of Mind Part 3 (Aug 2, 06)
Cultural Exchanges (Aug 21 - 22, 06)
Out of Mind Part 4 (Aug 22, 06)
Out of Mind Part 5 (Sep 2, 06)
S5E1 E78 (Sep 30, 06)
S5E2 E79 (Oct 6, 06)
S5E3 E80 (Oct 13, 06)
PSA Planning to Fail (Sponsors: Oct 20, 06, Everyone: Oct 23, 06)
S5E4 E81 (Oct 27, 06)
S5E5 E82 (Nov 3, 06)
S5E6 E83 (Nov 17, 06)
S5E7 E84 (Nov 25, 06)
S5E8 E85 (Dec 8, 06)
The Cash is Always Greener (Forbes: Dec 14, 06)
PSA Let's All Go to the Movies (Sponsors: Dec 16, 06, Everyone: Dec 18, 06)
S5E9 E86 (Dec 22, 06)
PSA You Know What We Mean (Xbox Mktplc: Dec 12, 06, Sponsors: Dec 30, 06, Everyone: Jan 2, 2007)
S5E10 E87 (Jan 5, 2007)
S5E11 E88 (Jan 12, 07)
S5E12 E89 (Feb 3, 07)
PSA Go Go Gadget (Feb 12, 07) (Sponsors: Feb 7, 07) (sponsors date from wiki)
S5E13 E90 (Feb 17, 07)
S5E14 E91 (Mar 2, 07)
S5E15 E92 (Mar 16, 07)
S5E16 E93 (Mar 31, 07)
S5E17 E94 (Apr 7, 07)
S5E18 E95 (Apr 21, 07)
S5E19 E96 (Apr 27, 07)
S5E20 E97 (May 12, 07)
Beta Complex (May 15, 07)
S5E21 E98 (May 26, 07)
S5E22 E99 (Jun 9, 07)
S5E23 E100 (Jun 28, 07)
A Completely Accurate Historical Record... ?
Halo 3 Preparations (Jul 31, 07)
Going Global (Oct 12 - 14, 07) (According to wiki: Oct 23, 07)
Sweating the Details? (Mar 5, 07?)
New Digs?
Getting the Call?
After cut off: Oct 28, 2007
Turn On Tune In Zune Out? (Nov 13?, 2007)
Spike TV VGAs (Dec 9, 2007)
Sporadia (talk) 09:53, 29 September 2023 (UTC)