Red vs. Blue Wiki
Red vs. Blue Wiki


I've updated the airdates for all the season 4 episodes based on, a couple of posts on and wikipedia (which is most reliable after episode 74, because that's when the airdates start being added at the time of release.) For this season, I've more or less treated these sources as equally valid, then I let wikipedia take over at the end. For every airdate I changed this season, I've put which source I was using in the edit history. I've put circa in the dates with some uncertainty and maybe have been more cautious than necessary this time. The normal episodes shouldn't need 'circa' from here on but the PSAs and special episodes might.

There are 3 episodes with completely unknown airdates: How About A Nice Game of Tag, Lethargy Crisis PSA, and The Full Circle. There are 2 more episodes with unknown public release dates (these are not sponsor only): The Winter Lames PSA, and Zero Hour.

We already know that How About A Nice Game of Tag was made for the Microsoft Puzzlehunt but that doesn't help with the date it was added to (if ever). We already know that The Full Circle is an Xbox Live Marketplace release, but I don't know when from. I was able to tell from that Lethargy Crisis was added sometime at the end of Season 4, possibly within the last 3 episodes, possibly after (it was very imprecise).

Sporadia (talk) 18:22, 28 July 2023 (UTC)