Red vs. Blue Wiki
Red vs. Blue Wiki

Combine with Crash Site Bravo pg[]

Hey guys, I was wondering if we should take the info on the Crash Site Bravo page and put it on this page. Essentially, this page (at least the canyon part) would take the place of "Crash Site Bravo" since it is the main setting of Season 11; plus I think it would be confusing to have two pages with similar main images. Pages like Control, the Crashed Ship, and the fuel station will remain the same. So whatcha guys think? Oo7nightfire (talk) 01:32, October 15, 2013 (UTC)

I'd agree - they made a point to name this planet, and deliver quite the exposition about it's place in the universe. I suspect we'll be hearing "Coris" frequently over the next season or so, assuming we stay there.

So yes, I'd vote for merging them and having the title be "Coris." Jamie Jones54842 (talk) 02:11, October 15, 2013 (UTC)

Ok then that's 2, thanks for voicing your opinion man! Let's see if we can get one more yes. Oo7nightfire (talk) 02:18, October 15, 2013 (UTC)

Other crash site?[]

Of "Crash Site Bravo": remember in "Finders Keepers", Grif tells Doc that the ship crashed in two different places ("You should see the other half of the ship." "Why is it bad?" "We don't know; it landed somewhere else."); is it worth mentioning that crash site alpha could be the location where the other half of the ship crashed? Raiu dragon (talk) 22:50, April 15, 2014 (UTC)

No, because that is speculation. It's currently unknown where the other half crashed. We can't assume it was there. Oo7nightfire (talk) 22:54, April 15, 2014 (UTC)