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Stage Fright is a special episode of Red vs. Blue about the Reds and Blues going to the Barenaked Ladies Concert.


Blue Team[]


Church gets stage fright


Cut to: A Church in White armor and a Church in Black armor are standing outside

Church-W: (Audibly nervous) Hey welcome to the... d'oh God.

Church-B: What's the matter man?

Church-W: I'm just... I'm a little nervous

Church-B: What are you nervous about?

Church-W: All- s- All these people man.

Church-B: You got stage fright?

Church-W: Yeah

Church-B: Yeah but we're not really doing this live. This is pre-recorded how can these people make you nervous. And besides, even if you were doing it live, you're not a real person, you're an animated character

Church-W: Hey wait a second. Why do we have the same voice?

Both Churches slowly and creepily look towards the camera. A text then appears on screen that says "You are watching the barenaked ladies summer tour. Please remain calm."


Coming Soon
