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St. Patrick's Day is a PSA that involves Doc, Tucker and Donut celebrating St. Patrick's Day.


Donut attempts to convince Doc and Tucker that they must pinch him for not wearing green armor on St. Patrick's Day.


Red Team[]

Blue Team[]



Doc and Tucker are seen, both wearing green armor; Doc on the left and Tucker on the right.

Doc: He's got an Irish accent.

Tucker: I'm telling you dude, he's not Irish. He's got dreadlocks.

Donut: Yo guys what's up? Hey... Why is everyone in green today?

Doc: It' Saint Patrick Day. Everyone's supposed to be wearing green to celebrate.

Donut: Oh man! How come nobody told me?

Tucker: We did tell you like 6 or 7 times. There was a memo...Two e-mails...

Donut: Oh... Guess I forgot.

Tucker: We put up a billboard...

Donut: So what happens now, guys?

Tucker: Well it's bad luck that's for sure.

Doc: Hey! Isn't there some rule that you're supposed to pinch someone when they don't wear green on Saint Patrick's Day?

Donut: Yeah! You know it! Step right up and get your pinching on!

Tucker: What?! I've never heard of that.

Donut: Oh it's a real rule. Now come get a pinch at Donut!

Doc: Man this is getting weird. The person getting pinched isn't supposed to be in to it.

Tucker: Yeah man, you're a weirdo.

Donut: Well fine then. We could play another holiday game. How about "kiss me on my Irish"?

Tucker: Man, I have not had enough green beer for this.

Tucker leaves

Donut: Come on guys, it's fun! Ok ok ok, how about "find the clover leaf"?

Doc: I'm gonna go hang out with the Jamaican guy.

Donut: So when is the parade?

