Red vs. Blue Wiki
Red vs. Blue Wiki

Return to Work! is the first PSA to air in 2022. It focuses on returning to work after an extended period of time.


Reds and Blues[]


Heading back to work after a long time can be rough. Agents Washington and Carolina have some tips for how to manage.


Coming soon...


  • This is the first episode since Theogeny to feature every single living member of the Reds and Blues in the same episode, including Carolina, Washington, and Tucker, who were depicted as having left the group in Zero, though that has since been retroactively undone.
  • Due to Zero still being considered canonical during this episode's production, Carolina and Washington remain living separately from the Reds and Blues while Tucker's sword is absent due to Phase taking control of it.
  • This is the second episode of Red vs. Blue to feature recasts of two central characters in the series.
  • According to Austin Clark, the original draft for the PSA included 90 more seconds of O'Malley detailing his evil lair requirements, including an "Endless Lava Staircase of Doomā„¢" and a "self destruct switch conveniently located next to the perpetually broken garbage disposal". [2]


