Red vs. Blue Wiki
Red vs. Blue Wiki
Red vs. Blue Wiki

This wiki is dedicated to Red vs. Blue and all content therein.

Wiki Etiquette[]

If you're still unsure of how stuff works around here, you may want to check out the MediaWiki User's Guide. There you will learn how to make bold, italics, and other wiki stuff. Out of courtesy, you really shouldn't edit pages unless you are adding something meaningful (fixing grammar and spelling mistakes is okay). You also shouldn't delete pages unless you have an extremely good reason. If you want to play around and get a feel for editing pages, please do so in the Sandbox.

Wikipedia has a great WikiCivics section. They cover a lot of information about what is accepted and what is not accepted on a wiki. There are really no rules, but there is a definite level of etiquette involved. Some of the suggestions they offer are only relevant to Wikipedia, but many of them apply to any wiki. Anyone interested in being a valuable contributor to any wiki should read them.

A Warning[]

Above all, never use defamatory language or deface documents our community has worked hard to create. Note that the wiki gives everyone the ability to revert documents back to their original state. Therefore, no one can permanently harm the wiki by deleting pages. All an offender will accomplish is to slightly annoy our wiki community. After repeated defacings our administrators will permanently block the offender's IP address. If defamatory language is seen it will be changed or deleted.


At this time, speculation is prohibited; any speculative contributions will be treated as vandalism and deleted. Bear in mind that any violation of this policy will result in a temporary block or a permanent ban from this wiki.


This wiki currently has two active administrators in Acapnia (she/her) and Oo7nightfire (he/him). Any questions regarding the wiki should be directed to them.
