Red vs. Blue Wiki
Red vs. Blue Wiki
Red vs. Blue Wiki

Red vs. Blue DVDs released by Rooster Teeth typically contain a handful of hidden "easter eggs" in the menus. Most require navigating to a specific point and then buttons in a certain order, which then typically triggers a short video clip. Others simply require bringing up a particular menu and waiting a minute or two.

Several changes were made to accessing easter eggs on the Remastered DVD boxset of Seasons 1 through 5. While the major changes are listed below, some easter eggs might require you to wait for a different amount of time, and you might have to press enter when you didn't have to in the original DVDs, or vice versa.

Season 1 DVD[1][]

Screen Selected option Action to trigger
Main menu - wait ~2:33
Bonus Features - wait ~1:42
Main menu (Original)

Ep. 1 - 5 (Remastered)

Scene Selections (Original)

Introduction (Remastered)

left, up, enter
Public Service Announcements Bonus left, up, up, enter
Public Service Announcements (Original)
Ep. 12 - 17 (Remastered)
Bonus (Original)
Main (Remastered)

right, left, right, enter

Outtakes Line Readings left, left, down, up, enter
Ep. 18 - 19 Ep. 6 - 11 down, enter

Season 2 DVD[2][]

Screen Selected option Action to trigger
Main menu -

wait 2:30, then 1:00, then :30, then :15, then :07

Bonus Features -

wait 1:00

(Remastered) wait 2:00

PSAs -

wait 1:00

(Remastered) wait 2:00

Recommended Titles -

wait 1:00

(Remastered) wait 2:00

Outtakes Getting Sheila on Base left, enter
Deleted Scenes Episode 28.5 - The Last Episode Ever left, up, enter
Scene Selections / intro - 24 main right, enter
25 - 30 29 - Radar Love up, enter
31 - 36 25 - 30 down, down, enter (Original)
down, right, enter (Remastered)
37 - credits End Credits up, enter

Season 3 DVD[3][]

Screen Selected option Action to trigger
50 - 55 - just watch
Bonus Features - wait
Main menu Replay Intro right
Scene Selections / intro - 43 40 - Visiting Old Friends up
44-49 47 - It's a Biological Fact left
56 - credits End Credits left
Special Videos Christmas Special left (Original)
left, up (Remastered)
Outtakes Sword Play left
Deleted Scenes Bonus Features down
Coming Soon Redicus vs. Bluetavius up, enter
Character Profiles Sarge up
Doc next character (Original)
character profiles (Remastered)
enter (Original)
right, enter (Remastered)
(Original Only)
more enter, right, up, enter
(Original Only)
more enter, enter, up, up, enter

Season 4 DVD[4][]

Screen Selected option Action to trigger
Main menu - wait 2:15
Scene Selections / intro - 62 60 - Fight or Fright left
63 - 68 69 - 74 down
69 - 74 70 - Sneaking In up, enter
75 - credits intro - 62 up
Bonus Features Deleted Scenes left
Special Videos The Winter Lames (Original)
Lethargy Crisis (Remastered)
Outtakes The New Guy (Original Only*) right
Deleted Scenes Episode 59.7 - Alien Hunt left
Character Profiles main
(Description page only on Original DVD)

right, enter

Church (Remastered Only) Character Profiles up, left
  • Despite your cursor disappearing after pressing right while The New Guy is selected, trying to access this Easter Egg on the Remastered DVD will start The New Guy video instead. The intended Easter Egg is on the disc, and can be viewed by going to Title 31.

Season 5 DVD[5][]

Screen Selected option Action to trigger
Deleted Scenes bonus down, up, left
Alternate Endings Invasion left, up, right, down
Special Videos Let's All Go to the Movies right, right, up, up
RvB: Out Of Mind (Original Only*) III up, left, up, right
Behind the Scenes Outtakes up, right, down, right
Scene Selections / intro - 81 81 - Sibling Arrivalries right, left, right, right
82 - 86 85 - Yellow Fever left, down, down, up
87 - 91 main right, down, left, left
92 - 96 93 - Biting The Hand up, up, right
97 - credits 82 - 86 down, left, up
Character Profiles Flowers right, right, down
Character Profiles Caboose down, left, enter
Main menu Previously on Red vs. Blue right, right, up, right
  • Despite your cursor disappearing after pressing up while III is selected, trying to access this Easter Egg on the Remastered DVD will cause your cursor to permanently disappear until the menu animation loops. The intended Easter Egg is on the disc, and can be viewed by going to Title 51.

Recreation DVD[]

Screen Selected option Action to trigger
Bonus Features Deleted Scenes left, down, right
Deleted Scenes play all down, left
Chapter Selection / 1 - 5 Episode 2 up, left
6 - 10 Episode 9 left, up
11 - 15 16 - end down, right
16 - end Episode 18 down, right, down

