Red vs. Blue Wiki
Red vs. Blue Wiki
Green Alien S5 "Red vs. Blue: Special Episodes" is not an official name. It may have been referenced in the storyline as such, but has not been officially named. Alternatively, it may be a name popular among fans, but without an official basis.

Red vs. Blue: Special Episodes are short videos made by Rooster Teeth based on Red vs. Blue, but not in context with any season. Therefore, characters who have died in the main series may be alive in these short videos, and the events in the special episodes do not affect the series. They are usually used to promote events, games, and more.

Public Service Announcements[]

Main article: Red vs. Blue: Public Service Announcements

These videos are officially recognised as PSAs. They are otherwise very similar to the rest of the special videos.


These videos were made to celebrate special occasions or holidays.

Lost Campaign Ads[]

In a parody of the 2004 U.S. Presidential Election, two campaign ads for Church and one for Sarge have the characters promising improvements to the canyon, or attacking one another. Available on the Season 3 DVD.

Vive la Resolution![]

The Red and Blue teams try to come up with resolutions for the first annual "Blood Gulch Resolution-off" as the new year approaches The winners will be the team with the best resolutions; the losers will actually have to follow through with their resolutions. However, when the Blues realize they have a 256,000,000 to 0.98 chance of winning, they forget about their resolutions and attack the Reds anyway.

A Completely Accurate Historical Record of Events Leading Up to the Making of Red vs. Blue[]

A Completely Accurate Historical Record of Events Leading Up to the Making of Red vs. Blue is a special episode of Red vs. Blue. It features a live-action sketch featuring Burnie Burns, Gustavo Sorola, and Geoff Ramsey depicting a fictionalized version of how RvB was created, as well as a remastering of Why Are We Here? in Halo 3.

2D Animated Series Pitch[]

During the Penny Arcade Expo 2008, Rooster Teeth revealed a preview of Red vs. Blue in animated form. Humouring the Fates was collaborating with Rooster Teeth on the series. Red vs. Blue: Animated was to air on American television channels Comedy Central and G4, though this never came to fruition and the project was ultimately scrapped.

Holiday Plans[]

A three-episode Christmas special mini-series following the Reds and Blues being temporarily relocated during the holidays.

What I Did On My Summer Vacation[]

Caboose visits the Halo Reach campaign.


The Reds and Blues speculate what it would be like to be in the big leagues.

The Best Red vs. Blue DVD Ever. Of All Time.[]

A special award show DVD to celebrate the release of the tenth season of Red vs. Blue.

A Red vs. Blue Holiday Special[]

Join Sarge as he celebrates the holidays with tunes you (sort of) know and love. Suck it Blues!


A series of short videos that use YouTube's 360Āŗ video feature.

The Complete, Unabridged Story of Red vs Blue. Abridged.[]

A recap of the entirety of Red vs. Blue up to Season 13 narrated by "Morgan Freeman."

Caboose's Guide to Finding Your Home[]

A successor to "Caboose's Guide to Making Friends", this episode describes how Caboose has coped with relocating so many times throughout the series, including through Blood Gulch, Valhalla, and Chorus.

Season 16 is Free At![]

What?! Where is the new season of my favorite Halo based comedy featuring a diverse cast of both red and blue based colors? Don't worry, Sarge will point you in the right direction... toward! It's both new AND improved!

It's Five More Letters...[]

Sometimes life is hard. Other times, it's as easy as 1-2-3... 4 and 5.

Death Battle: Red VS Blue[]

A 17 year long rivalry comes to an end! Every wonder why we're here?

Mask Up[]

If Simmons can wear a helmet every day for the last 18 years, then you can wear a mask.


Welcome to QvsA! The only morning show where Grif and Simmons answer some frequently asked questions about the popular web series, Red vs. Blue!

RvB Live Shopping Event - 8/25[]

Such an important question ā¤ļøšŸ’™

Halo and Microsoft Projects[]

These videos were made in collaboration with Microsoft and Halo.

The E3 2003 Video: BGC E3 Short[]

The two teams gather in the Red Base to watch the Halo 2 announcement trailer, and comment on it.

The E3 2004 Video: Much Ado About What Thing?[]

Sarge tells Grif, Simmons, Church, and Tucker about how great the upcoming Halo 2 campaign will be.

Go For Launch[]

In anticipation of the release of Halo 2, this video was released on Bungie's website. In it, Sarge shows a video of supposed improvements to vehicles, weapons, and bases in reference to their actual updates in the new game, though they are either ineffective or make things worse from the viewpoint of a soldier defending himself.

OMG. Humped.[]

Members of the gulch compete in Halo 2 against Bungie Studios, and are defeated.

Uncharted Territories[]

The Blue Team traipse through the new maps of Halo 2 in order to find their parked car.

How About a Nice Game of Tag?[]

This video was originally created for Microsoft Puzzlehunt 11 but was then used by Rodger Wolfson for users to obtain the Recon armour for Halo 3. It starts with Church commenting about the players trapped in the game while Tucker gets shot by Simmons, Grif and Caboose. Next we see Sarge shocked to see that Donut is trapped in a computer. Sarge comments that Donut looks "digitally and computerized looking", although really Donut is in the real world. Sarge calls helpdesk and is told that the players will need to solve enough puzzles to save the world. Caboose says that the alien likes puzzles and wants to play a game like Duck, Duck, Goose except that it involves shooting the characters. Caboose then explains that the alien would have a flag and a jetpack and the players would have to work out what the alien is trying to say. When Tucker asks "And why do we want to play this?", Caboose replies "Would you rather play ... tag?" and the alien throws a plasma grenade at Tucker.

Zero Hour[]

Grif attempts to leave with Simmons to see the launch of the Xbox 360, only to be sidetracked by Sarge.

The Full Circle[]

After the launch of the Xbox 360, the teams have to deal with various strangers walking through the battle looking to use the console's special online features. Released exclusively on the Xbox Live Marketplace for download.

The Silverlight 2007 Video: Sweating the Details[]

This video features Scott Guthrie, the General Manager for Microsoft Silverlight. Sarge was expecting Scott to attack the Blue Team but since Sarge considers General Managers as pencil-necked weaklings he decided to paint Donut blue. Scott briefly explains the features of Silverlight before being shown around Blood Gulch. On encountering Donut they let Scott shoot Donut thinking that he would miss. They were surprised to find out that being a General Manager had a lot in common to shooting Donut: being accurate (shooting Donut in the visor), knowledgeable (knowing it was Donut), having fun (shooting Donut in the first place) and being thorough (shooting Donut again then using a grenade on him).

Beta Complex[]

Released in high-definition on the Xbox Live Marketplace and on the general site, Simmons and Sarge, in an attempt to calm down avid fans waiting for the public Beta test of Halo 3, play them a video introduction in which the cast of Red vs. Blue welcome them to the Beta, and point out many of its features as well as possible problems.

Halo 3 Preparations[]

On July 31, 2007, an unnamed, five-episode series premiered on five retail websites, including those of Best Buy, Circuit City, and Gamestop. These episodes detail the Red Team's transition from Halo 2 to Halo 3; Sarge introduces his men to the new graphics, weapons, and vehicles. Segments are intermixed with comments made by Church and Tucker, who are spying on their activities.

New Digs[]

The Reds and Blues pick their new teams and explore the new bases and equipment of Valhalla. The Reds discover new motorbikes while Donut has fun with the "man cannon". Meanwhile, the Blues discover several weapon enhancements.

Getting the Call[]

Sarge calls Church, Tucker, Grif and Simmons together to explain Master Chief's image wants to protected and that a new understudy will be chosen. After explaining the various criteria each candidate was judged on, Sarge eventually reveals the new understudy to be Tex. As compensation, he offers the others roles as stunt doubles with screen tests consisting of them being shot or blown up.

Turn On, Tune In, Zune Out[]

Available on limited edition Halo 3 branded Microsoft Zune media devices, this video was also created with the Halo 3 Beta engine. The cast go over the various functions of the Zune, though they lament how the local radio stations (in particular three ran by Sarge, Tucker and Doc) they can receive have poor content, and the pictures they can share are only of Sarge injuring Church over and over again.


The group journeys through the newest Halo 3 maps. They get a grand tour with Guilty Spark's stunt double, Ralph, exploring the Foundry, Rat's Nest, and Standoff maps, and describing the capabilities of Forge. In Foundry, Simmons creates a mancannon for firing objects at Grif. Ralph explains the layout of Rat's Nest while discouraging Church from touching a twenty megaton warhead. The Reds are impressed by the base in Standoff, which Caboose claims to have created. Ralph concludes by announcing the release date for the maps.

ODST Mini Series[]

A three episode mini-series to promote the release of Halo 3: ODST.

Reach Mini Series[]

A three episode mini-series to promote the release of Halo: Reach and the bonuses received from pre-ordering through GameStop.

Red vs Blue presents Halo is Coming to Fortnite[]

Grif and Sarge prepare for the arrival of Master Chief. That is until a "sneaky blue" gets there first.

Halo Recap Mini Series[]

A four episode miniseries used to promote Halo: The Television Series on Paramount+.

Special Events[]

These videos were made for special events/festivals.

The New York Video Festival 2003 Video: I Love Blood Gulch[]

Tucker and Church go to the New York Video Festival.

The Spike TV VGA 2003 Videos[]

Sarge and Church attend the Spike TV Video Game Awards.

The South x Southwest 2004 Video: X Is For Austin[]

Church and Grif get into an argument over what the "X" stands for in South x Southwest.

The Computer Gaming World 2004 Video: What Could Have Been[]

Church and Grif explain that, before Red vs. Blue was created, Computer Gaming World included a previous Rooster Teeth video on a DVD and people began visiting their website. Wishing to take advantage of the visitors, they went through multiple ideas for a series, mostly certain film genres, before settling on Red vs. Blue.

The Alamo Drafthouse 2004 Video: Remember the Alamo[]

Church shoots a promo for the Red vs. Blue movie.

The G-Phoria Awards Show 2004 Video: G4ia Awards Show[]

Church prepares to attend the G-Phoria Awards Show.

The MTV2 2004 Video: Priorities[]


London Calling[]

Red vs. Blue will be screening in a theatre in the UK.

The Anime Reactor 2004 Video: Anime Reactor[]

Donut freaks out about Anime Reactor 2004.

G4's Halo 2 Day[]

The gang informs the audience of G4's Halo 2 Day on November 9th. Here are the list of segments.

  • Important Message
  • Ten Seconds
  • Unknown G4's Halo 2 Day Clip
  • Sick Day

The Penny Arcade Exposition 2004 Video: Penny Pinchers[]

The crew runs into obstacles while trying to film an introduction to the convention.

The Barenaked Ladies and Alanis Morissette Concert Tour[]

After Ed Robertson gave a shout out to Red vs Blue on his blog, Rooster Teeth eventually contacted his band Barenaked Ladies and did special videos for their upcoming tour, promoting the album Everywhere for Everyone. The videos are available on the RVBX box set, and audio versions appear in the Play Everywhere for Everyone series that recorded every concert (which included one in Rooster Teeth's own Austin).

The Electronic Gaming Monthly 2004 Video: The Way We Were[]

The Red vs. Blue cast display stories of Red and Blue battles from throughout history.

The Sundance Film Festival 2005 Video: Major Players[]

The teams prepare for the 2005 Sundance Film Festival.

The A-Kon 2005 Video: Akon Rules[]

Grif and Simmons talk to A-Kon attendees about the rules to follow while at the convention.

The Total Request Live 2005 Video: I Want My RvB[]

Damien Fahey is visiting the Blue team, and tries to talk Church into letting him drive Sheila, when the Reds show up to berate Church for not following the MTV formula. Created to introduce a music video on the show, as part of a special segment done on Rooster Teeth Productions.

The Edinburgh Interactive Entertainment Festival 2006 Video: Cultural Exchanges[]

Church, Grif, and Caboose all prepare to head to Scotland for the EIEF festival. Church asks Grif and Caboose to research Scotland so that they do not seem like tourists. When they are unable to find any satisfactory information, Church gets Headquarters to send them an expert.

The 2006 Video: The Cash is Always Greener[]

At Grif's annoyance, Sarge uses his opportunity on the website to push his new video gaming/money making service, with testimonials by Church and Doc.

The European Machinima Festival 2007 Video: Going Global[]

Church and Tucker introduce a series of RvB videos designed for different countries in Europe (and Japan) and comment on them.

The Spike TV VGA 2007 Video: Bungie Labs[]

The Reds and Blues showcase a scientific video for Spike TV's 2007 VGA Awards.

The Alamo Drafthouse 2010 Video: Shellheads[]

This video was created as a pre-show reel before the screening of Iron Man 2 at the Alamo Drafthouse Cinema. Simmons finds Grif and Sarge standing on the edge of a cliff. Grif explains that Sarge is practicing flying, inspired by the movie Iron Man 2. Grif reasons that like Iron Man, Sarge is wearing red power armor, and has painted the highlights golden to further match Iron Man's suit, so he should be able to fly. Simmons points out that Sarge is missing a critical component: jet boots. Regardless, Sarge runs off the cliff. Grif insists that Sarge will momentarily fly back up, but Simmons goes to fill out a "new sergeant requisition form", as the scene fades to black. A few seconds later, Sarge flies up on jet boots, tells the audience to turn off their cell phones, then flies away. On the Revelation DvD it is called "Iron Sarge".

The SDCC @ Home 2020 Video: RvB Zero SDCC Clip[]

Red vs. Blue is coming back this year!

Joke Episodes[]

Episode 28.5: The Last Episode Ever[]

Released on April Fool's Day and the anniversary of Red vs. Blue's first episode, the episode begins with Grif and Donut crying over the graves of Sarge and Simmons, following the events of episode 28. Sarge appears and explains that he had only been napping, and had escaped by eating his way out of the ground with his spoon. Simmons' ghost appears to give the Red team a warning, but Donut shoots and kills him, explaining that Simmons' ghost is actually "Ol' Man Caboose". Tucker and Doc appear and announce their engagement, over which a French-speaking Lopez, apparently in love with Tucker, laments. Church awakes and realizes that this episode had apparently been merely a dream, when he finds himself confronted by the French-speaking Lopez.

Episode 45.9: The Greatest Episode EVER[]

Available only to sponsors or on the Season 3 DVD and produced solely by Gustavo Sorola while the rest of the production crew had been out of town. This episode continues or replaces the events of episode 45, though is non-canon, and features paper cutouts as characters while portraying Simmons as a hero.

