Red vs. Blue Wiki
Red vs. Blue Wiki

Red vs. Blue: Season 4 is the fourth full season of Red vs. Blue. It premiered on August 29, 2005[1][2]. It continues the story with the Reds returning to Blood Gulch and the Blues going on an ancient quest. This season features 20 episodes, as opposed to the standard 19 for the first three seasons, a first for the series. This season also features an alien model character, another first. The Season 4 DVD was released on May 4, 2006 and arrived in GameStop stores on May 9, 2006.

It is the fourth installment in The Blood Gulch Chronicles.


The fourth season of the action-comedy series Red vs. Blue and part of The Blood Gulch Chronicles. A bomb with a bad attitude, an alien with an epic score to settle, and the usual gang of hapless soldiers are on a quest to save the universe from an ancient prophecy of destruction. The situation doesn't look too good...


Red Team[]

Blue Team[]



# Episode Sponsor Release Public Release Runtime Description
58. Familiar Surroundings August 29, 2005 August 29, 2005 4:22 Grif has a hard time coming to terms with the Red team's unexpected return to Blood Gulch; meanwhile, back on Zanzibar, Church gets scared out of his own body.
59. Hunting Time circa September 4, 2005 circa September 5, 2005 4:34 The Blues search for the "big thing" while Sarge tries a new strategy to get Grif down from the ledge.
60. Fight or Fright circa September 10, 2005 circa September 12, 2005 6:37 Simmons becomes frustrated at the fact that Sarge won't believe about the tank; meanwhile, the Blues send in bait to lure the alien into a trap.
61. Fair Competition circa September 17, 2005 circa September 18, 2005 4:56 Donut finds competition in his attempt to become the Reds' new second in command while Caboose introduces the Blues to the Alien.
62. Lost in Triangulation circa September 26, 2005 circa September 28, 2005 5:50 The Blues try to figure out the Alien's name while Simmons and Sheila make plans.
63. The Hard Stop October 5, 2005 October 5, 2005 5:01

Tucker tries to teach the Alien how to speak English while Donut keeps Simmons away from the Red Base.

64. Previous Commitments October 15, 2005 October 16, 2005 5:29 The Blues find someone to translate the Alien's language while Simmons mounts an assault on the Red Base.
65. Looking for Group October 22, 2005 circa October 24, 2005 4:08 Tucker, Caboose, Andy and the Alien prepare for a dangerous quest while Grif tries to talk Simmons out of killing all the Reds.
66. Exploring Our Differences November 5, 2005 circa November 7, 2005 3:44 Simmons takes Grif hostage while Church has a heart to heart talk with Tucker about his dangerous quest.
67. Setting a High Bar November 20, 2005 circa November 22, 2005 4:21 Donut and Sarge investigate Grif's kidnaping, while the Quest team arrives at the burning planes to face a demon.
68. Getting All Misty circa December 3, 2005 circa December 5, 2005 5:34 Sarge's rescue attempt goes awry while the Quest team uses Tucker as bait.
69. Talk of the Town December 11, 2005 circa December 13, 2005 3:52 The Quest team arrives at the Great Freezing Plains while Church negotiates a surrender with Donut.
70. Sneaking In December 18, 2005 December 20, 2005 4:01 Tex storms the Freezing Plains base while Donut explains to Sarge and Grif how he led the greatest military operation ever to free them.
71. You Keep Using That Word January 11, 2006 circa January 13, 2006 5:18 Sheila gets mad over Church's new fleet while an old enemy creates an obstacle for the Quest.
72. Getting Debriefed circa January 20, 2006 January 23, 2006 4:35 Simmons returns to the Red Base while the Quest team return from a disastrous encounter.
73. Under the Weather circa February 8, 2006 February 10, 2006 5:59 Church and Caboose confront Andy about Tucker's illness while Simmons tries to get his team's trust back.
74. Right to Remain Silenced February 28, 2006 March 2, 2006 6:41 Simmons tries to share some important information with his team while the Blues invite O'Malley to the Blue base.
75. Things Are Looking Down March 13, 2006 March 16, 2006 5:55 Church introduces O'Malley to the team while Donut tries to get some information out of Lopez.
76. Two for One March 17, 2006 March 20, 2006 8:39 While Doc examines Tucker inside Blue Base, the Reds digress into a discussion on the relative appropriateness of hand-to-hand combat, sniping, and nuclear warfare.
77. The Arrival April 1, 2006 April 1, 2006 7:18 The Reds decipher the important information from Lopez while the Blues get ready for a new arrival.

Public Service Announcements[]

The Winter Lames: The Olympics Suck[]

The Reds and Blues tell their thoughts about the Winter Olympics and how it should be more "extreme".

Lethargy Crisis[]

The characters give some tips on how to survive the rising price of gasoline, such as the alternative of milk, though it is more expensive.

Other Episodes[]

How About a Nice Game of Tag?[]

This video was originally created for Microsoft Puzzlehunt 11 but was then used by Rodger Wolfson for users to obtain the Recon armor for Halo 3. It starts with Church commenting about the players trapped in the game while Tucker gets shot by Simmons, Grif and Caboose. Next we see Sarge shocked to see that Donut is trapped in a computer. Sarge comments that Donut looks "digitally and computerized looking", although really Donut is in the real world. Sarge calls helpdesk and is told that the players will need to solve enough puzzles to save the world. Caboose says that the alien likes puzzles and wants to play a game like Duck, Duck, Goose except that it involves shooting the characters. Caboose then explains that the alien would have a flag and a jetpack and the players would have to work out what the alien is trying to say. When Tucker asks "And why do we want to play this?", Caboose replies "Would you rather play ... tag?" and the alien throws a plasma grenade at Tucker.

Zero Hour[]

Grif attempts to leave with Simmons to see the launch of the Xbox 360, only to be sidetracked by Sarge.

The Total Request Live 2005 Video: I Want My RvB[]

Damien Fahey is visiting the Blue team, and tries to talk Church into letting him drive Sheila, when the Reds show up to berate Church for not following the MTV formula. Created to introduce a music video on the show, as part of a special segment done on Rooster Teeth Productions.

Vive la Resolution![]

The teams try to come up with resolutions for the first annual "Blood Gulch Resolution-off" as the new year approaches.

The Full Circle[]

After the launch of the Xbox 360, the teams have to deal with various strangers walking through the battle looking to use the console's special online features. Released exclusively on the Xbox Live Marketplace for download.

Just For You[]

The characters throw together special videos that can be used for any occasion.



External links[]


Remastered Trailer[]

