Red vs. Blue Wiki
Red vs. Blue Wiki
Red vs. Blue Wiki

"Without my big gun, I just look like all the regular soldiers."
—the Red Fed to Simmons and Donut in Capital Assets

This Red Fed is a Federal Army of Chorus Heavy Weapons Specialist and is first seen in Capital Assets where Simmons questions him on why the Fed is holding a turret.

Role in Plot[]

Going to War[]

13 02 00006

Simmons noting the Red Fed lacking camouflage

During his first appearance, the Red Fed waits in line at Armonia's armory, where Simmons expresses his confusion on why the Fed holds a turret. The Fed states that his big gun is what makes him stand out compared to the other soldiers. Simmons then points out how he doesn't stand out much due to wearing the usual Fed Army white armor with red stripes. Donut interjects then comments about how it looks awful and that he should go for something "bold", like red armor with red stripes, which confuses the Gunman. Simmons then points out how that would ruin his camouflage, which Donut immediately responds with: "What camouflage?". Which Simmons commends as a good point and immediately asks why he hasn't been shot yet, which confuses the Red Fed even more.

After Grif leaves the armory while looking for Vanessa, the Red Fed immediately asks Donut if he thinks his red stripes are awful.

Later on, the Gunman is the first of the Feds and Rebels to support Kimball after the latter makes a speech to the armies for them to unite against Charon and fight as one. During the battle at the Communication Temple, he is seen opening fire on the space pirates using a newly-acquired plasma cannon. Matthews saves the Gunman Fed from being killed by an Insane pirate whom was sneaking up on the Red Fed, in which the Gunman thanks him for. He then looks at Matthews as he loses control of his alien vehicle and it begins to move at a random direction at a fast pace.


Federal Army of Chorus
Most Known: Donald Doyle · Emily Grey · Locus · Washington ·
Sarge · Franklin Delano Donut · Lopez the Heavy
Other Members: Snowman Fed · Randy · Red Fed · Blue Fed · Irony Fed ·
Request Form Feds · Lap Fed · Crash Site Fed