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Recycling is the first PSA to air in-between Season 16 and 17. It focuses on, as the title suggests, recycling.


Reds and Blues[]


Sarge and Grif are here to show you how to Reduce, Refuse, and Reload your Reliable shotgun! Also something about Recycling.


Grif: Hi, I'm Private Dexter Grif from the popular web series Red vs. Blue.

Sarge: And I'm Sarge, here to talk to you about saving trash! Also known as recycling.

Sarge: Recycling is when idiots surrender their hard-earned waste to the man so he can build more "pediatric hospitals."

Grif: But unlike children, recycling doesn't have to be useless.

Sarge: That's right!

Sarge: Did you know we recycle shots from Red vs. Blue?

BGC Grif: Are we the product of some cosmic coincidence?

Sarge: No! And would you please focus?

Grif: Entertainment's built on recycling! Superhero movies compete with their own reboots at the box office!

Sarge: What'll their origin story be this time?

Grif: Recycling is energy efficient, which is otherwise known as laziness

Grif: So recycling a whole franchise is beautifully lazy. I-

Grif: I actually might need a second guys

Grif: Th-There's something in my eye

Sarge: Okay, how about this?

Sarge: A long dead TV show...

Grif: Uh-huh?

Sarge: The Motion Picture!

Grif: What?!

Sarge: Cast with longer relevant comedians and, hot randos.

Grif: (gasp) Flabbergasting! My every flabber! Gasted into space!

Sarge: The Kickstarter writes itself!

Sarge: And it's not just for Tinseltown folks. You can be as glamorous as Hollywood by saving resources! For instance pee in the shower.

Grif: Anyones'll do.

Sarge: Reuse Needles!

Grif: Frugal!

Sarge: Recycle jokes or have running gags.

Grif: And you know when you finish cereal and have milk left so you add more cereal to the bowl?

Sarge: Yes, siree.

Grif: Well, I've been recycling by feeding milk into the same ever bowl since childhood

Sarge: ha ha ha aha -wut?

Grif: It's oakey, peaty, and has a smooth burn on the after. [garbage cans] Grif: What isn't recycling is taking out your cans and bottles which you must never do.

Sarge: Really?

Grif: A startling reminder of how much you drink?

Grif: No, thank you!

Sarge: If you folks at home are anything like me, you'll end each season of your popular Machinima show with heaps of dead extras! [lots of bodies show behind Sarge] Here's a tip: scrape the bone meal from the walls of your trash compactor my friend, cuz that's triple-A plant food.

Grif: That sounds a...Intense.

Sarge: And, after a few years of it you'll go numb too.

Grif: Good?

Sarge: "I Know What You Did Last Summer" was released a year after I started. And wouldn't you know it there was a billboard right outside my house! Ahaha ha oooh! That was a very stressful movie poster.

Grif: That was like, 1997.

Sarge: Just be sure you save your corpse dissolving acid for next time.

Grif: (Background)Our first season was in 2003.

Sarge: That's! Reeeeecyclin! [Sarge next to recycle bins] Sarge: Once you're done, do the right thing and personally carry the recyclables up to the recycling plant

Sarge: Caboose! Yer up.

Caboose: Labor! Hooray! I personally love laboring as long as you help me with the plant food cuz it smells like my nightmares.

Sarge: Waddya use the plant food for anyhow?

Caboose: To feed the recycling plant!

A pit full of bodies is shown. Grif starts screaming, gagging, and runs to vomit off-screen.

Sarge: Caboose! Explain what you think a recycling plant is.

Caboose: Yeah. I wish I could tell you. I've been burying this stuff for years, but one's never grown.

Sarge: Do you mean to say we've been meticulously sorting our corpses from our cans for 15 years and we haven't recycled at all?!

Caboose: I guess not.

Sarge: Huh...Well! It's the thought that counts!


