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Raise 'Em if Ya Got 'Em is a PSA celebrating Flag Day. This PSA is a sequel of St. Patrick's Day.


Donut now tries to convince Doc and Tucker that he is allowed to pinch them for not having a flag on Flag Day. He then suggests such festive games, such as "raise the flagpole".


Red Team[]

Blue Team[]



Fade in to Tucker and Doc near the Warthog.

Doc: Well Tucker, if he wasn't Scottish and he wasn't Irish, I don't know what you think it could be.

Tucker: Doc! For the last time, that wasn't a kilt, it was a dress.

Doc: Then how do you explain the back pipes?

Tucker: Dude...those weren't back pipes,

Doc: Ewww....

Cut to Donut standing beside a flag.

Donut: Hey guys! What's going on?

Tucker:  Donut, what the hell are you doing with that flag?

Doc: Hey! Put that back! You getting it all... flappy.

Donut: But guys, we're all supposed to have a flag today. It's Flag Day!

Tucker: It's what day?

Donut: Flag Day! The day we all take time out to celebrate how wonderful it is to have a flag.

Doc: Oh man, I don't have a flag. I don't even have a side!

Tucker: Please! That's just a made up holiday designed to get people to spend money. Like double Hanukkah, Thanksgiving Extreme.

Donut: Na-uh! It's real and it's today.

Doc: Donut, do you think I can hold your flag? Just for a little while?

Donut: No way! Because guess what happens to anybody not holding a flag on Flag Day. That's right, they get pinched.

Tucker: No they don't!

Doc: Wait a minute, isn't this just like what happened on Saint Patrick's Day?

Donut: That's right! Only this time, Donut's in charge. Now line right up for some good old fashion, Flag Day pinching. I'll promise I'll only grab the meaty parts!

Tucker: Oh my God! Dude, you are fucking weird!

Tucker leaves.

Doc: And just when I thought we were beginning to bond.

Doc leaves.

Donut: Hey guys! Don't go! We haven't even played any holiday games yet, like "raise the flag pole". You know you want to.

