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RTX 2018 is the first and only PSA to air during Red vs. Blue: The Shisno Paradox. It promotes Rooster Teeth's RTX convention for 2018.


Reds and Blues[]


  • Jax (Voice only)


August 3rd, 4th and 5th at the Austin Convention Center -- Be there, or be Blue!


(Red vs. Blue theme)

CAROLINA: Hi, I'm Agent Carolina from the popular web series Red vs. Blue. Here today to tell you all about the Rooster Teeth mega convention, RTX! This August 3rd through 5th. It's going to be SPECTACULAR! Larrr...larrr... I-uhh...imitate an echo effect!

JAX: Okay, Ca-Carolina...

CAROLINA: It's in the script as a line, Jax, not a parenthetical verbal direction. I know that cuz I've been doing these dumb PSAs for seven, FRICKING years!

JAX: Woah! Hey! No, that's..very expensive!

CAROLINA: August 3rd, 4th, and 5th down at the humongous Austin Convention Center.We've got premieres, screenings, panels, special events,signing, exclusive merch, THE RTX ANIMATION FESTIVAL... WOULD YOU JUST LAND THAT FRICKING THING ALREADY?

SARGE: And Hellfire missiles with two flight turrets for strafing!

CAROLINA: Sarge, the dropship is *just* our ride, slash hotel...

SARGE: Slash payback for last year's cosplay contest!

CAROLINA: Let it go...

SARGE: How could I not win best Sarge? The system is rigged.

CAROLINA: I think Simmons just...wanted it more...

SARGE: Attendees can meet super special guests including Jessica Nigri, team RWBY, Boogie2988, Smosh Games, Troy Baker, superstar voice actor Matt Hullum, and-

CAROLINA: Wait, Troy Baker? Revolver Ocelot!?

SARGE: Better known as Joel from The Last of Us. Or Drake, from Uncharted.

CAROLINA: Revolver "Guns Spinnin' Ass" Ocelot?



SARGE: Badges and information are available at

CAROLINA: That's August 3rd, 4th, and 5th, in... Austin, Texas! Exas, exaaas...

SARGE: Aaand, (cough) we'd be tickled lightish red to see you there! Wink!

CAROLINA: Sarge, no.

SARGE: Sarge, yes.

CAROLINA: I just felt myself lose like...five years off my life.

SARGE: It's a reference. Didn't you get it?

CAROLINA: Is it a migraine?

SARGE: Oh, you didn't get it...


  • This is the first PSA hosted by Carolina, rather than her just making an appearance.
  • Carolina is shown to be a fan of the character Revolver Ocelot from the Metal Gear series (or at least his appearance in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain), as she is shown to be a fan of Troy Baker.
  • While Carolina claims to have been doing PSAs for "seven frickin years", referencing how the character debuted in 2011, her first PSA appearance was actually in 2014.

