Personal Spaces is the second special episode in the Halo 3 Preparations series.
Red Team[]
Blue Team[]
Sarge explains to the Reds about the new vehicles in Halo 3, like the Mongoose.
Fade into Sarge explaining things to his squad.
Sarge: Some of the other changes in Halo 3 will be a wider variety of vehicles. Some will be updated versions of the ones you know and love, and some will be all new.
A picture of the mongoose appears next to Sarge.
Sarge: Here we have the Mongoose as an example.
Grif: Oh cool! It's like a motorcycle.
Simmons: Looks fast. But it's only for one person?
Sarge: Actually the mongoose can be configured to accommodate one soldier, or two.
Simmons: Ohhh.
Grif: Yeah that looks really, cozy.
Sarge: I hear some of you have personal space issues and might not be okay with the close confined new transport. That's why I designed a series of trust exercises, so that we'll all feel more comfortable with each other. First up; Grif and Simmons.
Grif: What? Why us? Why not Donut?
Donut: I can't participate in exercise'es. I have a note from my doctor.
Grif: What? What doctor?
Doc appears next to Donut
Doc: Me!
Simmons: You? Your not a doctor.
Doc: Yes I am. I have a PHD in healthology.
Grif: Oh please that's ridiculous! (mutters) and PHD isn't a real doctor.
Sarge: Hey! That attitude does not condition to a trusting and caring environment you idiot. Now come on, round one of group hug. You two are the group, go.
Grif: And why are you participating?
Sarge: I'm Management! Everybody automatically likes me!
Cut to Church looking at the Reds through his sniper scope
Tucker: Uh, what's going on down there?
Church: I have absolutely no idea. Two of them are hugging and the rest of them are standing there clapping.
Tucker: Yeah well maybe that's why red team does so well. They feel more comfortable with each other.
Church: Excuse me? Red team does so well?
Tucker: I'm just saying maybe we should consider that some of those same principles could help us to-
Church: Hey go stand over there.
Tucker moves away from Church.
Church: Yeah further, further.
Cut back to Sarge with Grif and Simmons in a narrow hallway.
Sarge: Well since round one went so poorly-
Simmons: Poorly? What are you talking about? Grif body-slammed me!
Grif: Once again, the rules were not made clear.
Sarge: You two knuckleheads are going to live in the basement hallway until you can learn to tolerate being near each other!
Simmons walks in the hallway.
Grif: You mean the basement.
Sarge: No I mean the basement hallway. Now get in there!
Grif walks in the hallway.
Grif: This is ridiculous.
Simmons: Ow! You stepped on my toe!
Grif: How long do we have to do this?!
Sarge: Hmmm. Well Halo 3 is only a month and a half away, so it shouldn't be too much longer after that. I don't want you two freezing up the first time you have to jump on a mongoose together.
Simmons: Well, if we're stuck here, we may as well embrace the situation and make the best of it.
Grif: Please, don't say embrace.
Screen fades to black then reappears with an image of the Xbox 360 Elite console.
Church: Today's episode was brought to you by the elite console, the premier Xbox 360 console package that includes a massive 120 gig hardrive, an HDMI port, and because its all black, it turns invisible in the dark!
Random voice: Console does not turn invisible.
Church: Aw come on I was kidding.