Red vs. Blue Wiki
Red vs. Blue Wiki
Red vs. Blue Wiki

"This is the awesome new base? Looks the same as the shitty old base to me."
"Oh! You are gonna love it here! You know, it's like our home away from home, that we can't ever get away from."
Caboose in New and Improved

Outpost 17-A is the Blue Base at Valhalla. It was formerly occupied by Caboose.


On the last days of Outpost 17 (also known as "Valhalla") a Pelican crashed in the area. The Blue Army managed to secure the ship first. Shortly after, the Blues succumbed to an infection. The infection started off with some deciding to rather sleep outside, then proceeded to make them try to keep others locked away, and eventually made them destroy their own communications tower, along with Outpost 17-B's. Ultimately, a search team went to the base to discover the entire team had killed each other.

Caboose and Donut discuss what happened to Church

Later on, Caboose used the base to work on his "secret best friend project" after escaping from Command with Epsilon. He was the only Blue in Valhalla for most of the Recollections, putting him at a severe disadvantage against the five Reds. Later on in Revelation, Washington and the Meta briefly used the base on their pursuit for Epsilon.

As time passes, the Reds and Blues return to Valhalla with Carolina, in search for the Director. While there, the Reds and Blues get into a quarrel with Carolina and Epsilon and refuse to help them kill the Director, resulting in Carolina and Epsilon leaving the area. Eventually, the Reds and Blues decide to assist the two despite the quarrel and leave Valhalla.


The base has a very simple layout. The bottom floor is a big empty space, which houses Epsilon and several bodies of armor. Above that is a sort-of balcony, which has two "man-cannons", capable of shooting soldiers across the whole canyon.

Project Freelancer: 1-Blood Gulch: 1A 1B · 9-Sidewinder · 17-Valhalla: 17A 17B · 25-Rat's Nest: 25A 25B · 48-High Ground: 48A · ?-Desert Gulch
Federal Army of Chorus: 22-F.A.C. Outpost 22 · 37-F.A.C. Outpost 37
Unnamed: Battle Creek · UNSC Wind Power Facility · Danger Canyon · Timberland