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OMG. Humped. is a special episode of Red vs. Blue that focuses on the Reds and Blues defeat by Bungie in Halo 2.


Red Team[]

Blue Team[]


Church, Simmons, and Tucker explain to Grif how they were defeated in Halo 2 against Bungie Studios.


Fade in to Church, Simmons and Tucker running up to Grif in Blood Gulch
Grif: Hey you're back, how'd the Hump day thing go?
Simmons: Uhhmmmmm...
Church: Oh it went great, as long as you weren't on our team.
Grif: So you lost.
Church: Yeah, unless there's some new game type where you're supposed to catch the most amount of bullets with your torso. In which case, Simmons was the clear victor.
Simmons: What the hell! You were the one who was supposed to have all these great strategies!
Church: Well if you people had listened to me while we were out there, maybe we would have won a game.
Wavy cut back in time to the Hump day challenge in the future
Church: Alright men, they're coming up the right flank! This is our chance, formation pattern Delta!
Simmons: (in a girly voice) I'm scared, and I peed my pants,and I don't wanna die in my peepee pants!
Cut back to Blood Gulch to prevent any further embarrassment
Simmons: That's not what happened.
Church: I think that's a very, accurate, portrayal.
Simmons: That wasn't even my voice!
Church: Well let's just agree to disagree.
Simmons: Okay, the real problem, was that the weapons had all changed slightly, and we had never used them before.
Grif: How were the weapons different? Did they shoot fire or something?
Church: No.
Grif: Were the triggers in a different place?
Church: Noh.
Grif: Wait, were the guys from Bungie using the same weapons as you?
Church: Yes.
Grif: Well I can see how you'd think it was a legitimate excuse. Hey, next time you guys go out of town to embarrass the crap out of us, why don't you let me tag along. I'm great at losing, I could be one of our All Stars.
Simmons: I'm so ashamed.
Grif: Why isn't he saying anything?
Church: Uh, well let's just put it this way, there were some side-bets before the match, and Tucker's mouth now belongs to someone else's balls.
Tucker: ...I don't wanna talk about it.

