Midshow is a special episode of Red vs. Blue about the Reds and Blues going to the Barenaked Ladies Concert.
Red Team[]
Blue Team[]
Church and Tucker teach the viewers about concert-going etiquette, and how to be social in a concert setting.
Cut to: Church and Tucker sitting in front of a warthog.
Church: Hey everybody. While the guys take a break and clean up all that cereal they just wasted, we thought this would be a great time to come out and cover some key concert-going etiquette tips for ya.
Tucker: Right
Church: Whenever a band stops playing, any music fan is going to find themselves faced with some really tough decisions on how to conduct themselves.
Tucker: You may be thinking to yourself "Maybe I should get out my lighter" or "Maybe I should scream 'Woohoo' at the top of my lungs".
Grif: (off-screen) WOOHOO YEAH!
Tucker: Shut up, idiot!
Church: We here at Barenaked Ladies wanna help you during this difficult time. We think this is an excellent opportunity for you to meet the people around you. Who knows? You might find someone with low sexual standards.
Tucker: Or maybe you can find someone you can dupe into giving you money.
Church: So with the help of my friend Tucker here, we're gonna do a little role-playing. And if you'll follow along, I think you'll find your concert-going experience will be a little less private and a little more awkward.
A text appears on screen that says "Tip #1. Be yourself." Cut to Church and Tucker in one of the bases.
Church: Hi. My name is Phil. I'm from Piscataway.
Tucker: Hey it's nice to meet you Phil.
Church: Did you know that Piscataway has the world's biggest salt mine?
Tucker: Uhhh okay dude.
Another text appears that says "Tip #2. Wait. Don't be you. Be someone cooler.
Church: Yeah, I just drove here in my Trans Am. It's got T tops.
Tucker: Dude that rules.
Church: Yup, I'm the man.
Another text appears that says "Tip #3. Feel free to share personal information"
Tucker: Hey which one of the guys in the band is your favorite?
Church: I like Tyler.
Tucker: Yeah? I like Ed he's totally awesome.
Church: Yeah I met Tyler once in a mall in Minnesota, we talked for a little while. Anyway, he's in love with me and we're gonna get married.
Tucker: Oh. Wait, what?
Church: Yeah but I think Steve is getting in the way of our love, and I'm gonna have to do something about that.
Another text appears on screen that says "Tip #4. Call security" Cut to Church and Tucker once again outside in front of the warthog.
Church: Aaand end scene. Alright, hey good job everybody! Good job Tucker, good job. Alright well I hope you learned a lot about concert etiquette today, and maybe even learned a little bit about yourself. I think that if you'll follow those simple steps, you'll find you're the most popular person in your row. In fact, why not turn to the person next to you and give it a shot right now.
Tucker: If it's a girl, don't forget to ask for her shirt.
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