Microplastics! is the second PSA to air in 2022. It focuses on, as the title suggests, micro plastics.
Red Team[]
Simmons, Grif and Sarge are here to tell you all about Microplastics. Or was it Macroplastics?
Coming soon...
- Sarge states he eats macroplastics and wrote a cookbook on macroplastic based recipes titled "Harm to Table", which has recipes including "Chicken Corded Bleu", "Slimming Turkey Cellophane Wraps", "Sloppy Hose", "Spaghetti and Meatbottles", "Straw-Berry Shortcake", and "Pool Noodle Casserole".
- At one point, Simmons mentions that microplastics are killing more sea turtles than a "certain Italian plumber". This is a reference to the titular character of the Mario Bros. franchise.
- Simmons states that he subscribed to Marine Life magazine, thinking it was about the military.