Red vs. Blue Wiki
Red vs. Blue Wiki

"I am so ashamed."
—MacDougall talking about his "controlled substance" problem in Zero Tolerance 2

MacDougall is a member of Team Slipspace who first appeared in Grifball: Zero Tolerance. He joined the team after Slipspace traded Jacques to the New Mombasa Bossanova Bosses.

Role in Plot[]

Zero Tolerance[]

Macdougal was originally a member of the New Mombasa Bossanova Bosses, but was traded for Jacques of Team Slipspace. Since MacDougall was new to the team, Rookie was hoping MacDougall would be called "rookie". Unfortunately for Rookie, he learns that MacDougall is a veteran player who has played in the Grifball League much longer than Rookie.

The Commissioner shows up to Slipspace's practice facility to tell them that they are disqualified because MacDougall used a "control substance" last season while playing for the Bossanova Bosses. It's later revealed that the control substance was a in fact a grenade. Despite that fact, MacDougall continues to treat it as an addiction, expressing his shame at using it, yet continues to do so, even during team practice.


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