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Just For You is a PSA where the Reds and Blues make special customized videos for the audience for any occasion. The PSA is exclusive to the Season 4 DVD.


Coming Soon


Red Team[]

Blue Team[]



Fade into Grif and Simmons standing together

Simmons: Hi, I'm Private Dick Simmons from the popular web series; Red vs Blue.

Grif: And I'm Private Rick Eccentric from the same show.

Simmons: Who?

Grif: It's an ad lib dude, run with it. Come on, be professional.

Simmons: Being on a popular web series means that we get lots of emails from fans.

Grif: And also from collection agencies.

Simmons: They say things like "Great show" and "You guys are the best".

Grif: Or "Pay your bill by Friday to avoid disconnection".

Simmons: We also get lots of request for custom videos, where people wants to send a special message to someone they know. Things like wedding proposals, or happy birthday announcements.

Grif: And if we said yes to just making one of those videos, we'd have to say yes to making all of them. So we decided to make videos for every possible occasion.

Simmons: That way you can tell your friend, girlfriend, or aunt that you paid top dollar for such a unique gift. Actual cost to you; nothing.

Grif: Suddenly this seems like a bad Idea.

Simmons: To late Rick, we've already committed. Roll the videos.

Cut to Church

Church: Hey, you've been my girlfriend for a really long time now and we've had some great times together. I mean don't get me wrong we've had some okay times too and some really really horrible times as well. Like the time I did that thing and you were mad at me even though I said I was sorry, and then you said "you weren't mad anymore" but you kept bringing it up every time we get into an argument. I don't think your over it. Anyway, I won't get too annoying and you don't touch my stuff too much so how about we get married?

Tucker pops up

Tucker: Don't do it!

Cut to Sarge.

Sarge: Hello, you've reach my voicemail. I either on the other line or KICKING GRIF IN THE ASS! Please leave a message or I'll find you and Strangle you while you sleep.

Cut to Church

Church: Hey the douchebag you called? Yeah he's really here, he's just screening his calls right now. So you can leave a message and see if he deems you important enough to call back but, I wouldn't get my hopes up.

Cut to Caboose

Caboose: (whispering) Hey Is it recording? (Normal voice) D-Does the red light mean recording? (whispering) I thought red lights mean stop? Okay okay, are we going down? Are you sure? Okay. (Clears voice) Hello you have reach the-

Cut to Tucker

Tucker: Can't get to the phone right now but leave a message if your a hot chick. If your not a hot chick but you know some hot chicks, leave their name and number and I'll call them back. I'll tell them ugly sent me. And if your a dude, how the hell did you get my number.

Cut to Grif

Grif: (pauses) Leave a message.

Sarge runs in and hits Grif knocking him down. Then shoots him.

Cut to Grif in a cargo hold

Grif: Hey, I just wanted to let everyone in the company know that they're doing a great job. And your all the main reason this company is such a great place to work. Except you, everyone hates you and your fired. And don't bother packing up your desk, we're just going to sell all your stuff on ebay.

Cut to Tucker near a pool

Tucker: Look no one felt comfortable telling you this so they asked me to do it. Your breath smells. Or your body, or something, I don't know. Bottom line is, some part of you stinks and you need to take a bath. Soap is your friend stinky.

Cut to the reds and blues together.

Sarge: We can see that our species is inferior and that we should be assimilated into your culture, we look forward to a life of servitude and not being vaporized or eaten. Thank you green skinned slimy alien masters, I mean sir.

Cut to Sarge, Grif and Church together.

Church: Look, we all care about you, or something like that.

Grif: I don't.

Church: Yeah all this crazy stuff you've been doing lately, it's kinda funny to watch and take place but eventually you're going to get to the point where you need to borrow money from us so, we want you to stop right now.

Sarge: Its time for tough love scumbag. Now drop and give me twelve Steps!

Cut to Doc

Doc: Remember that black thing we saw on the x-rays that I said was probably no big deal? Yeah turns out it is a big deal. And I'm going to need you to start paying your bill in advance. In cash.

Cut to Grif on a podium

Grif: Okay now look, no one told me what this button in my office did. And I probably should have asked before I pushed it. But lets not rehash the past. Anyway, you got about seventeen minutes before all our homes are destroyed and civilization as we know it comes to an end. My bad, anyway uh I'm gonna go to the bunker now see ya. Also please remain calm while you burn to death. God bless America.

Cut to Simmons and Tucker

Simmons: In order to help Customize these videos, we're going to have Tucker read a list of common names that you can insert latter. They'll never even know its a template.

Tucker: Alan, Amy, Andrew, Apple, Babette, Barbra

Camera pans left to Grif while Tucker continues saying names

Grif: Oh crap, we forgot the happy birthday one.

Simmons: Oh right. Happy birthday jackass! Your one year closer to death! Why don't you have some cake and beat the prosses up?

Fade to black as Tucker continues saying names

Tucker: Kim Jong, Herongelo, Lemongelo, Sneezey, Dopey, Grumpy, Sleepy, Oprah, Queen Elizabeth, Sir Anthony Hopkins, Madonna, Rudger, Jebbadia, Clay akin, the mangler, Andre the giant, regular sized Andre, and your excellency the pope.

