Have to Pee is a special episode of Red vs. Blue about the Reds and Blues going to the Barenaked Ladies Concert.
Red Team[]
Grif and Simmons wait in the bathroom line.
Cut to: Simmons and Grif are waiting in line for the bathroom
Grif: Dude what is the deal with this line?
Simmons: Man, I gotta pee sooo bad.
Grif: Me too man, I told you we shouldn't have drank so much beer.
Simmons: What are we gonna do?
Grif: I don't know man, but I don't wanna miss anymore of this concert. These guys rock.
Simmons: I think they're starting again already.
Grif: Uh oh dude, we gotta do something fast. Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
Simmons: *Sigh* What are you thinking.
Grif: We have to go in our pants.
Simmons: What? We can't tell anyone about this if we do.
Grif: No one will ever know.
Simmons: Ok well, let's hurry.
Grif: Alright.
Grif and Simmons relief themselves in their pants.
Grif: What's the rock (?)
Simmons: Let's go get some more beer.
Text appears on screen that says "You are watching the barenaked ladies summer tour. Your secret is safe".
Coming Soon