Red vs. Blue Wiki
Red vs. Blue Wiki

"It all started with GLASS, a Special Ops trying to win the war through espionage and science."
—West describing GLASS in Shattered

GLASS was a Special Ops program created as one of the many attempts to win the Great War by the UNSC, much like Project Freelancer. It was first introduced in Red vs. Blue: Zero, and is central to the plot of that season.


GLASS is a Special Ops program that sought to improve humanity's chances of winning the Great War through espionage and technology. Their Starlight Initiative was used to explore ways of utilizing alien technology on humans, and made several breakthroughs in alien medication. They also researched the possibility of creating "Holo-Echos," although they were unsuccessful. GLASS' top strike force was Shatter Squad, comprised of elite soldiers. GLASS attempted to make a second iteration of the team after the first disbanded, using GLASS' top cadet to train as the leader. However, the Great War soon ended, and GLASS was shut down.


Original Shatter Squad[]

Other Members[]


Coming soon
