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G4ia Awards Show is a special episode of Red vs. Blue. It is a montage of clips made for the G-Phoria Awards Show of 2004.


Red Team[]

Blue Team[]


Church, Grif, Simmons, and Sarge go to the G-Phoria Awards Show of 2004.


Clip 1: Cut to Church and Simmons outside of a warthog.

Church: Well dude, it's a big night! G-Phoria!

Simmons: Yup. So is that what you're wearing?

Church: No. I mean- wait, what do you mean?

Simmons: Don't worry, you look fine.

Church: I'm not worried, who said that- Wait, aren't we wearing the exact same thing?

Simmons: No.

Church: Yeah look- cus look, we look the same

Simmons: There's gonna be a lot of celebrities there, and I'm not gonna get caught wearing the same outfit as you, jackass. Jenna Jameson already stole the first outfit I was gonna wear.

Church: Yeah.. I got a feeling it looks better on her anyway

Clip 2: Cut to G-Phoria Exterior. Grif and Church are talking outside

Grif: Hey what are you doing?

Church: I'm working on my speech for that G-Phoria Awards Show.

Grif: Please don't read it to me

Church: Ok, it starts like this (Reciting the Speech) Good evening, ladies and gentle-nerds. (Speaking normally) Ya like that? That's a joke for the developer guys.

Grif: Thanks for making that obvious

Church: I haven't seen this many, ahem, celebrities, in one place since the Kabbalah Centre started giving out free botox.

Grif: Was that the whole thing?

Church: Yeah they told me to keep it short.

Grif: They shoulda told you to keep it funny.

Clip 3: Cut to: G-Phoria Interior. Simmons is talking to Church

Simmons: Hey Church, how would you illustrate the difference between gamers and regular people?

Church: Illustrate the differences? I guess I would just draw a picture of a bar of soap. Or an empty pizza box.

Simmons: Those are just stupid gamer stereotypes. The point is, gamers ARE regular people.

Grif: Hey guys, I was just at the catering table, and they're already out of pizza.

Simmons: Son of a bitch.

Grif: And I wouldn't go near the potato salad either. I think Ashton Kutcher just punk'd all over it.

Church: Every fucking time with that guy!

Clip 4: Cut to Backstage at the Awards Show. Sarge is talking to Church, Grif, and Simmons

Sarge: Alright, you dirtbags. Show's over.

Church: We've been waiting all night to get called on stage.

Sarge: Sorry boys, just one presentation left

Church: Is there at least gonna be a party after the show?

Sarge: Yup, but it's B-Y-O-Q-R-T-M-P-D... F

Church: What does all that stand for?

Sarge: I don't know, I was hoping you could tell me.

Church, Simmons, and Grif leave

Sarge: Before you go, can you at least tell me where the party is? I brought deviled eggs. They're extra devil. Kutcher-style!

(Fade to Black)


  • The televised G-Phoria Awards Show only included the first and last of these Red vs Blue clips.

