Red vs. Blue Wiki
Red vs. Blue Wiki

G4's Halo 2 Day is a series of special episodes of Red vs. Blue. This shows all the short segment clips about G4 dedicating all their programming to Halo for Halo 2 Day. These clips were originally shown on G4 several days before the event, and made downloadable on the G4techTV website.


Red Team[]

Blue Team[]


Back From The Future[]

Sarge travels back in time to warn everybody about Halo 2 Day which is on November 9th.

Ten Seconds[]

Church has ten seconds.

Important Message[]

Don't vote on Halo 2 Day, November 9th.

Unknown Clip[]

Coming Soon

Sick Day[]

Call in sick on Halo 2 Day, November 9th as G4techTV plays 20 hours of shows featuring Halo and Halo 2.


Ten Seconds[]

Cut to: Church and Sarge talking outside of Blue Base.

Church: This is impossible, I've got 10 seconds to explain that G4, on November 9th, is going to dedicate all their programming to Halo for Halo 2 Day.

Sarge: You'll never fit all that in 10 seconds.

Church: I know!

(Fade to black)

Unknown Clip[]

Cut to: Simmons and Grif on top of Red Base.

Simmons: When we tell people about G4's Halo 2 day on November 9th, it's important that we're both clear, and concise.

Grif: Right. H2, G4, 11/9, 24/7- wait, 24/1... aahh I got it.

Simmons: Okay... maybe clear is better than concise in this case.

Grif: Ah, I forgot what I was talking about.

(Cut to black)

Sick Day[]

Cut to Red Base exterior. Sarge and Grif are standing next to the Warthog.

Grif: Hey Sarge, I need to take a sick day on November 9th.

Sarge: What for?

Grif: My mother's having surgery.

Sarge: Grif.

Grif: I'm having surgery?

Sarge: Grif!

Grif: Okay, okay, Halo 2 is coming out on November 9th, and I wanna watch G4. Because their dedicating a whole day of programming to Halo! They're calling it Halo 2 Day!

Sarge: I know, everyone wants off.

(Donut enters)

Donut: Sarge, I need November 9th off.

Sarge: What for?

Donut: Oh y'know, female stuff.

Sarge: Oh, uh, sure. You take care of that.

Grif: He's not a female!

Sarge: Well he's very pink, I can't take any chances.

Important Message[]

As "The Star-Spangled Banner" plays, Cut to: first, the GIF image of a USA flag shows "An Important Message From G4"; then Simmons and Grif on top of Red Base.

Grif: Hi. This is Private Grif, reminding you not to vote on November 9th.

Simmons: What? (to Grif) Why not?

Grif: (to Simmons) Because the election war would be over, moron.

Simmons: (to Grif) You mean in Florida?

Grif: Instead, you can show your patriotism by watching Halo 2 Day on G4.

Simmons: (to Grif) How exactly is that patriotic?

Grif: (to Simmons) Quiet, you dirty traitor.

Simmons: (to Grif) Huh?

Grif: (to Simmons) Shush!

(Cut to black)

Back From The Future[]

Cut to: Simmons and Grif on top of Red Base staring at the teleporter; then Sarge shows up

Sarge: Grif! Simmons! I come back from the future with an important warning.

Cut to just Grif

Grif: Oh no! (guessing) Was my sex tape leaked on an internet?

Cut back to Simmons, Sarge, and Grif

Sarge: On November 9th, G4 will dedicate the entire day to Halo 2.

Cut to just Simmons

Simmons: Yeah, we know. They're calling it Halo 2 Day.

Cut back to just Grif

Grif: You came back just to tell us that?

Cut to just Sarge

Sarge: Actually no. I really just want to watch it all one more time.

(Cut to black)



