Red vs. Blue Wiki
Red vs. Blue Wiki
Red vs. Blue Wiki

Fight the Good Fight is the twelfth episode of Red vs. Blue: Season 14. It aired on July 24, 2016 for sponsors, July 25th, 2016 for Rooster Teeth site users, and July 30, 2016 for the general public. It is the 300th episode overall.


Red Team[]

Blue Team[]


  • V.I.C. (Voice only)
  • Narrator (Voice only)
  • Doc (Archived footage)
  • Zealots (Archived footage)


A documenter narrates a propaganda video about joining the *RED* Army.


Vic: Ya'know, Project de los Freelancer really nailed it when it came to building to armies worth of idiots. Some people say it's 'cause we had such convincing propaganda. BUT I'm pretty sure there's just that many stupid people in the universe.

Cut to black. A film reel begins. A Project Freelancer operation document is shown:


Date: [redacted]


Project Freelancer "recruitment" Doc.

Code Name: [Crimson] [Corpses] Blue Bloods

Mission Orders:

Create propaganda film and distribute to recruits at [risk of failing] training.

Film is intended to motivate soldiers deemed [easily influenced] by psychological evaluations administered prior to enlistment.

Contingencies: Recruits are considered [expendable] by command.


Fade to Covenant ships glassing a planet.

Narrator: You joined the military to fight off the alien scourge! You were told that joining the military would help keep your fellow man safe.

Fade to a crowd of colored out helmeted civilians.

Narrator: But what you weren't told is that your fellow man could very well be our real enemy. And they're already here!

Zoom in on a civilian in a Blue helmet.

Narrator: Everyday! Hiding in plain sight, *BLUE* conspirators conspire against us! Our way of life, our very freedom. But not all is lost!

While the Narrator does his thing, a transparent colored out Blue Team Flag flies over the video

Cut to two Red soldiers watching a video in a lab a nearby laptop. the video shows a Red soldier giving 2 thumbs up, before a Blue soldier appears on the screen flipping off the soldiers. One of the soldiers breaks the lap top by smacking the screen with the butt of his gun. the 2 soldiers then look at a bigger screen showing a Blue soldier, with a diagram telling the soldiers that it has a small brain, weak upper body, tiny penis, and is overall "Evil". Cut to a Red soldier firing on a colored out target, shooting it 3 times in the helmet before reloading and moving backwards. Cut to a photo of 4 Red soldiers huddled together, all of them firing at an off-screen enemy. cut to a different squad of 4 soldiers, each hiding behind a wall before moving through a small hallway one at a time, before firing on Blue photos pasted onto brute target practice and knocking them down.

Narrator: Military intelligence has been gathering information on the enemy, and after months of analyzing and planning, have come up with a way to combat the true enemy. The *BLUE* enemy, the military has formed a strike force nicknamed *RED* Team. This team is comprised of only the most elite soldiers, those willing to do what it takes to eliminate the *BLUE* bastards. These *RED* commandos are familiarizing themselves with the military's newest, and best equipment.

Cut to Sarge standing in front of Blood Gulch Outpost Number 1.

Narrator: Just ask this fine soldier here. What's your name and rank, soldier?

Sarge: Sarge.

Narrator: ...And your name?

Sarge: I just told you! Are you slow or somethin', son?

Narrator: Uh, right. Well then, let's continue. So Sarge, what's that fine piece of hardware you have there?

Sarge: Oh, this here's the M90 shotgun! 8-gauge Magnum rounds! Chrome-lined barrel! And glow-in-the-dark sights! There are many like it, but this one, she's mine.

Narrator: That's a fine piece of hardware you-

Sarge: And don't even think about touching her!

Narrator: I... wasn't... going to-

Sarge: Or looking at her! I can see you looking!

Narrator: Uh... I'm sorry?

Sarge: Damn skippy, dirtba-

Cut to a wide shot of Blood Gulch.

Narrator: Woah, looks like Sarge had to go off on an "super-secret mission", against the vile *BLUE* Team. Back to that high speed gear. Let's check in with another fine *RED* soldier.

Cut to Grif showing Simmons a soft core porn magazine in the Red base.

Grif: *Whispering* Dude, she is so hot,

Simmons: *Whispering* Y'know, I don't feel really comfortable looking at this with you.

Grif: *Whispering* Dibs.

Simmons: *Whispering* Dib-d-d-d-Damn it!

Narrator: How goes it, gents?

Grif quickly drops the magazine as he and Simmons turn towards the camera.

Grif: Aah! Uh, I swear I just found it!

Simmons: Don't tell Sarge!

Grif: Uh, I was only holding it for Lopez!

Narrator: Uuh.

Simmons: Wait a second, who are YOU? And what are you doing with that camera?

Narrator: We're with the Red Command Military Intelligence, and we're here to film you, uh, fine soldiers so you can...tell the galaxy about the thrilling lifestyle of the Red Army.

Grif: *Scoffs* It sucks! Everything's Red! We don't ev-

The camera cuts to a zoomed in shot of Simmons.

Narrator: Ho-Kay! Well, uh, what about all the top notch military equipment you and your men are using to fend off the Blue scourge?

Simmons: Um, well we have a robot that speaks Spanish, and I guess that's helpful? Or, well, I mean, it really doesn't help us.

As Simmons speaks, a green title card appears in the bottom right corner that says "SOLDIER: Robot? "Expert"?.

Cut back to the wider shot of Grif and Simmons, with Grif now holding a rocket launcher.

Narrator: What about that heavy hitter you've got there, soldier?

Grif: Why did you just hand me this?

Narrator: Care to tell us what it's like to hold liberty in the palm of your hand?

Grif: Uh, I can keep the rocket launcher, right?

Narrator: Sure.

Grif: Then shit yeah! What do you need, camera guy?

Narrator: Let's start with your name.

Grif: Dexter Grif: Rocket Expert.

Another green title card appears in the bottom right corner that says "'Dexter Grif:' 'Rocket Expert?'.

Simmons: Why'd you give it to him?!

Narrator: Alright, Grif, what's your name and rank here at Blood Gulch Outpost Number 1?

Grif: They call me Sergeant.

Sarge: (Off-Screen) What do you want, Grif?!

Narrator: ...Who was-

Grif: Ehh, just ignore him. He can't handle that we're both the same rank now that Simmons and I are being transferred over to Rat's Nest.

Narrator: Uuh... well, uh, Sergeant-

Sarge: (Off-Screen) What?! Do?! You?! Want?!

Narrator: Uh, Grif, mind telling us a little bit about that rocket launcher you have there, and how it's helping to combat the enemy?

The same title card appears, but with a Sgt. in front of Dexter Grif's name

Grif: This thing? You just gave it to me!

Simmons: And again, why not give it to me?!

Grif: Y'know, I don't like your tone, Private.

Simmons: Oh yeah? Well I don't like your anything, Sergeant!

Simmons get shot by an offscreen shotgun blast, knocking him down to the floor.

Simmons: YEOW!

Cut to an even wider shot, showing Sarge berating Simmons.

Sarge: Do not sass me, Private! Now quit bleedin' all over my base!

Narrator: *Frustrated* Could you please just talk about fighting the Blues?!

Grif: Who? Ohh, you mean Tucker and those guys? Are we back to hating them again, I thought everything was cool since the whole alien thing with the Freelancer-

The screen suddenly cuts out to a Tv color bar screen as a sine tone blares out

Narrator: *Panicking* Alright, turn it off! turn it off!

A Project Freelancer "Please Stand By" screen quickly overtakes the previous screen before blacking out.

Narrator: *Clears throat* Boy, heh, looks like those high speed troops sure are busy on "Super-secret Missions.".

A outline of a helmet grows on screen with a question mark in the middle.

Narrator: Now, you might be asking yourself, "if you've got all of these tip-top soldiers, why do you need me?". Easy!

The Helmet changes to a Red Helmet.

Narrator: While our *RED* soldiers are keeping the enemy at bay,

The Red helmet quickly flashes Blue before going back to normal.

Narrator: Military Intelligence has found that the-

The same Tv color bar flashes onto the screen with the same sine tone before the camera cuts to Church and Tucker arguing on the top of Blue Base.

Narrator: Uh... gentleman?

Tucker: But I told her I had a sniper rifle! She's expecting me to bring it!

Narrator: Ge-Gentleman?!

Church: I don't care what you told Grif's sister! I am NOT letting you take MY sniper rifle, on YOUR imaginary date!

Tucker: It's not imaginary! She's totally into me!

Narrator: *Angry* Will you please just focus?!


Tucker: Who are you again?

The same Tv color bar flashes onto the screen with the same sine tone before cutting to the camera lying on the ground as Sarge and Grif argue and point their weapons at each other while Simmons groans on the ground.


Simmons: Oh, the pain!

The Project Freelancer "Please Stand By" screen cuts in before a distorted and glitching out photo of a Blue helmet takes over.

Narrator: The *Distorted* *BLU-RE-BLU-RE-*

The Helmet stops glitching out.

Narrator: *BLUE* Traitors are alien sympathizers!

As he speaks, ALIEN SYMPATHIZERS is overlayed onto the helmet.

Cut to archived footage of Church meeting Junior for the first time.

Narrator: Eugh, Disgusting. They even hate our own children.

More archived footage plays out, expect it's colored out footage of Caboose in Battle Creek.

Caboose: *Low Voice* I, hate, babies!

More colored out footage plays of the Zealots in Battle Creek fighting each other.

Narrator: You...exceptional soldiers have been hand-picked by your commanders to join *RED* Team. Join and be part of the Team that is making a difference!

The screen fades into Blood Gulch, showing Simmons in the front seat of a warthog.

Narrator: Do YOU want to drive a Warthog?

Simmons: Join the Red Team!

Simmons begins to drive away before the screen fades into a shot of Donut in the caves beneath Blood Gulch.

Narrator: Do YOU wanna see new and exciting places?

Donut: Join the Red Team! Team! Team! Team! Team!

The screen fades into a shot of Red Base as Caboose walks out of it.

Narrator: Do you wanna be where the action is?

Caboose: Join the Red Team!

Sarge: (Off-screen) Caboose! Get outta here!

Caboose: Okay!

As Caboose walks off-screen, another transparent colored out Blue flag flies over a colored out photo of the soldiers shooting at the off screen enemy. as the narrator talks, the flag begins glitching out, temporarily showing it's true colors before fixing itself. Eventually the flag just stays Blue.

Narrator: So if you think you're lean enough, and if you think you're...Mean enough, and you wanna send those *BLUE* heathens back to the hell they came from, then do your part and accept the invitation to *RED* Team.

The short film finally ends as the screen cuts to black and the film reel stops playing. At least before Grif begins talking off-screen.

Grif: No, Seriously, are we really not cool with the Blues anymore?

Narrator: *Angry* Fuck it. FUCK IT! WE'LL JUST FIX IT IN POST!

The short film finally ends for real.



  • This episode takes place between seasons 5 and 6, just before the Reds and Blues are transferred to their new bases.
  • The Blue and Red Team's representing flag symbols, an eagle and cobra respectively, are featured on the team member's shoulders in the Halo 2 footage. Rooster Teeth had originally featured these symbols on the team member's shoulders in the first few episodes of Season 3 shot in Halo 2, but abandoned them quickly, and disregarded them in the remastered version. However, the emblems are automatic on the PC version of Halo 2, which started being the standard used for machinimation in Season 14.
  • The Halo: Combat Evolved footage in this episode is re-used from the remastered season 3 episodes Best Laid Plans and Visiting Old Friends.
  • The title of the episode may be a reference to the Trocadero song "Good Fight", which has been used several times throughout the series.
  • The narrator in this episode is voiced by Kirk Johnson, who would later voice Loco.
  • During the film reel, at the bottom left hand corner, the number "040103" can be seen, a reference to the airing of the first Red vs. Blue episode on April 1, 2003.

