Red vs. Blue Wiki
Red vs. Blue Wiki
Red vs. Blue Wiki

"I was about to say you're like the pappy I never had. When I was a kid he ran out on us to join the army and never came back."
—Boomstick to Sarge in Meta vs. Carolina: Dawn of Awesome

Boomstick, along with Wiz, is a scientist from Command that was contacted by Caboose to find out who would win a Death Battle between the Meta and Carolina.


It is hinted at the end of the episode that Boomstick is the son of Sarge. Although Sarge caught onto this possibility, Boomstick did not, simply believing Sarge was a "nice guy."

The suspicion of Sarge being Boomstick's father is finally answered in the Death Battle episode Macho Man VS Kool-Aid Man, where Boomstick's informed by Ringmaster that his father is in the area and wearing red. Boomstick's later led to believe that his father was either Macho Man Randy Savage or the Kool-Aid Man. After failing to find his father, Boomstick, along with Wiz and Ringmaster, visit Mama Boomstick, and after being cheered up by her, Boomstick, Wiz, and Ringmaster run into the forest. The scene cuts to Sarge standing in the middle of the woods during the night, right next to Mama Boomstick's squirrel hunting bastion, where he hears Boomstick's laugh and thinks that it reminds him of something, leading Sarge to go into crisis as he believes himself to have a son.

In Who Is The Best RvB Villain?, Boomstick calls Grif and Simmons on QvsA to say Sarge is a villain for abandoning his son.


  • Boomstick is noticeably similar to Sarge in a number of ways. Both wear red armor, primarily use and prefer shotguns, express a strong love for military equipment and weaponry, speak in a heavy southern accent, and deeply enjoy inflicting pain on Grif.