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A Red vs. Blue Holiday Special is a special episode of Red vs. Blue . It aired on December 23, 2015 for sponsors and December 24, 2015 for the general public following the conclusion of Season 13. It serves as the 2015 holiday special.


Red Team[]

Blue Team[]


Join Sarge as he celebrates the holidays with tunes you (sort of) know and love. Suck it Blues!


Sarge demonstrates by singing holiday songs and showing clips from previous episodes.


Red Christmas[]

"Red Christmas" is a parody style of the song, "Blue Christmas.

Jingle Bells[]

This song is similar to the regular Jingle Bells song, but it's more of a parody style because it's about fighting the Blue Team.

The Christmas Song (Red Team Christmas Kill Blues)[]

This is actually a parody style to The Christmas Song (Merry Christmas to You) song. Lopez is shown playing on a piano.


Introduction and Before First Song[]

Cut to Sarge standing in Sidewinder

Sarge: You know at this time of year, we like to spread some holiday cheer. So without further ado, here's a little song. From me, to you. (to Lopez) Lopez, hit it!

Red Christmas Lyrics[]

I'll have a red Christmas without Blues,

I'll be so red without a Caboose.

Decorated soldiers in red,

On a green Warthog jeep!

We'll kill the Blues,

'Cuz they're the enemy.

And when those red bullets start falling start flying, (HA!)

That's when those blue bastards start dyin'. (Hahahaha!)

Blues will be dyin' alright,

From my shotgun tonight! (Yeah!)

And I'll have a red, red Christmas.

Red from your blood! Hahaha!

Before Second Song[]

Cut back to Sarge, but inside the red base with a fireplace and a wall mount trophy above

(to Lopez) Lopez, initiate Command: Feliz Navidad.

Jingle Bells Lyrics[]

Jingle bells, shotgun shells,

Blasting all the way!

Oh what fun, it is to kill,

A Blue or two today! Hey!

Jingle bells, Grif sure smells,

Blasting all the way!

I just killed, a bunch of Blues,

Using a grenade!

Driving through the Gulch,

In a two-seat open jeep,

O'er the Blues we go,

Laughing as they weep! Ha ha ha!

Bombing their blue base,

Sending them sky high,

What fun it is to blow them up!

Then watch the blue-tards fly!

Before Third Song[]

Cut back to Sarge

(to Donut) Donut, quit jingling your bells! (To audience) This next one's so good, you'll drop a Yule log! Heheh! Now, let's slow things down a bit.

The Christmas Song (Red Team Christmas Kill Blues)[]

Blue Team roasting in an open fire.

Shotgun pointed at your nose.

You'll surely die, if you wear blue attire!

So don't dressed up like Red Team's foes.

Everybody knows.

That Tucker's where my missiles go.

To make explosions nice and bright.

Tiny bombs with their timers aglow,

We'll make the Blue Team dead tonight.

They know that Sarge is on his way! (That's me!)

He's loaded lots of guns and bullets and grenades!

And every sniper scope is gonna spy.

To see if Blue Team really know how to die! (They do!)

And so I'm offering this simple phrase

To Simmons, and Donut! and Grif too.

All Blues should be dead,

Many times, many ways!

Red Team Christmas!

Red Team Christmas!

Red Team Christmas, big finish, kill Blues.


Cut to Sarge standing in Sidewinder

Heheh, well roast my chestnuts. Next year, Church is going to sing us something about a dreidel. Doc keeps talking about something called Kwanzaa. I don't know what that is! One of his yoga things... Anyway, happy holidays, everyone! Unless you're blue! Then burn in Hell.

Coming Soon


