My fanmade product image just got 45 upvotes on Reddit. My picture just got excited! Now, I have to make a box for my fanmade product. I still need help, so will you help me with the phrases and the video.
My fanmade product image just got 45 upvotes on Reddit. My picture just got excited! Now, I have to make a box for my fanmade product. I still need help, so will you help me with the phrases and the video.
Should we say he's a former member since he left the Blood Gultch Crew
Okay so this started out as a theory at the end of Season 11. So back when it was debated if Carolina was Control (Season 11 ending), it was noted that Control knew the Reds and Blues were Sim troopers. Since then it has been revealed that Carolina was not Control, but merely someone listening in on a conversation. - Control potentially knows that the Blood Gulch Crew are sim troopers because they're 'famous heroes' by Season 11.
However, in the Season 12 Episode 'Long Time No See' Control makes several comments that seem to present the possible ideas that he/she knows the Reds and Blues personally.
"I can assure you, they'll never be ready" ~ Control
One may argue that 'it is well known that they are misfits and screw-ups' but then how come the New Republic, UNSC and Federal Army aren't aware of this fact.
We know that Control is paying Felix and Locus to recover Freelancer Tech from the crash (presumably the contents of the crate in the ship at Crash Site Bravo). And Control is also paying the two to eliminate all life on the planet, through implementing a 'Civil War'. - why Control wants all life on the planet dead we are not yet aware; but we know that is the o=ultimate goal, as made apparent in 'Cloak and Dagger'.
I would love to hear your thoughts,