Butch Flowers
13 Votes in Poll
Butch Flowers
42 Votes in Poll
52 Votes in Poll
The wiki doesn't list his species, sure they say "man" a lot in refrence to him in RvB but I mean come on we all know better. What man could casually take nine shots to the throat and keep fighting then get hit by a truck and walk it off? I feel like the guy can't be human. He's gotta be some sort of hybrid or expariment at the very least. I mean I have nothing backed up by anything RvB cannon and I'm sure there are theroys but what do you guys think?
This isn't about Meta's origins or whatever. This is just a wiki changer question. Lately I've been trying to add in a picture of what Meta looked like during Reconstruction and Recreation in his character table. But whenever I do, somedody takes it off. For some reason it never says who does it in the 'Recent Wiki Activity' list so I can't ask them why. If you're them and you see this, please respond cause if you've got a genuine reason then I'll stop.
Of course it's an odd time to bring this up, but it's something of interest to note. Alpha jumped hosts to the Meta to distract him which means breifly he possessed a smart AI in which it's fragments were present save for the memories. So would Meta at his best had: Alpha, Beta, Theta, Delta, Eta, Iota, Sigma, Gamma, Omega?
Hey guys since I am new here, here's a decision on about Maine, however though when that sleeveless soldier shot his throat lots of times, well wouldn't he be already killed because if you got slit or shot in the throat you be dead within seconds you wouldn't survive would you
In the Season 6: Reconstruction Trailer, for two frames when he kills Recovery 9, the Meta has a weapon on his back. What is it?
Could the Meta actually be alive now since his helmet appears in the season finale. Seeing that he was last seen with his helmet on, they must've recovered his body too. But where is it?
In regards to the trivia
could the two AI be overlapping when we first see them (in reconstruction?) when we first see them in Carolina's attempted training fight with Tex they start overlapping, then split and look at each other.
He's been consistently shot, stabbed, beaten, and generally injured as long as he's been a part of the series. Why is it law that when he is tossed off a cliff, he's suddenly dead for sure? Did somebody from Rooster Teeth actually come out and say Maine is dead?
Considering that Red vs Blue is sub-exists with the Halo universe, an interesting theory would be that Maine is a failed SPARTAN II, for those who don`t know, the SPARTAN II program was known to have some crippling side effects to some of the candidates, such as muscular distrophy or parkinson`s disease. Meta could have been one of these failed SPARTANs and the detriment the program did to him could have been Mental instability, as he is seen as aggressive as sometimes ruthless even BEFORE been the Meta (such as when he tried to kill Texas in a training round).
The UNSC could not have just eliminated Maine but at the same time they couldn`t use him the way they would the other SPARTANs or give him some desk work at ONI (As usual with the Failed SPARTANs) so they probably decided to give him to Project Freelancer. Why? Maybe because they would want to see how an AI could further enhance the capabilities of a SPARTAN, this could further be evidenced by the experimental nature of the project and the fact that Maine, at that point would be...expendable.
If you think about it, this could explain some things about him, such as his super strenght or his weight (Average SPARTAN weighs 120 kg, Maine's a big guy, he could have weighted even more) and also his resilience as he gets shot (8 Times), ran over and beaten before getting medical aid. His mental instability could explain how sigma could have been able to manipulate him so easily and he also became proggresively more dependent on him for doing things such as, speaking : Voicing his thoughts and the such.