My fanmade product image just got 45 upvotes on Reddit. My picture just got excited! Now, I have to make a box for my fanmade product. I still need help, so will you help me with the phrases and the video.
My fanmade product image just got 45 upvotes on Reddit. My picture just got excited! Now, I have to make a box for my fanmade product. I still need help, so will you help me with the phrases and the video.
Im currently watching season 15, and I'm at the episode where they are in the cells, and Caboose is sad he didn't get t say goodbye, so did he ever get to say goodbye?
my idea...
if they make it so he was never destoryed completely! and then the story of why he was not destroyed is because he was fixing his form and all of his memorys.
(i hope this happens because i cried for 7 min. i would cry myself to sleep in tears of joy if this happend, even if i was on stone) we miss you...